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Boruto was stuck. Where was Boruto stuck? Boruto was stuck in the supply closet of his father's office. Why was Boruto stuck in the supply closet of his father's office? Boruto was stuck there because this was his hiding spot in his and his sister's game of hide and seek, and he wasn't exactly supposed to be there. So, when his father unexpectedly strolled in to sit at his desk, it rendered it impossible for Boruto to escape without being caught. Therefore, Boruto was stuck.
Identical to his father's, Boruto's large blue eyes peered through the wooden blinds that made up the small door to glare at the older man currently slouching in his large chair. Naruto looked tired, stressed, and burnt out on whatever sat strewn all over his desk. There wasn't any sign that Naruto would be moving, and Boruto mentally cursed the reality, resolving in sulking while continuing to watch his dad do boring Hokage stuff.
He never understood why being the Hokage was such a sought-after job. It kept his dad away from home days on end; and, when he did come home, he always slept. The job obviously drained Naruto, and Boruto couldn't find any reason why anyone inspired to be like him.
His mother had told him stories of a younger, happier man. She told him stories of a man who had overcome great burdens, who grew immensely strong thought sheer determination; who spread inspiration with his words and softened even the hardest hearts. She talked about a hero with a permanent smile and a radiant glow about him, that of which was contagious to those around him. She claimed that that man was his father, but as he watched the aged blond rub his temples, hunching over stacks and stacks of paper work with a sad and exhausted frown upon his thin lips, he found no resemblance to the character in those stories. He only wished he could meet that man one day.
Just then, the sound of the heavy office door beckoned both younger and elder blond to look in its direction. Boruto's heart lurched, expecting his younger sister to steal their father away-paving the way to his escape-but it dropped as another male came into view. It was his father's right hand man, Sasuke Uchiha, the brunette entering cool-y.
Sasuke was the father of Boruto's best friend: Sarada Uchiha. He was also the only man to ever match his father's strength, and at one point, even defeat Naruto in battle. He had achieved what Boruto had wished to, which was to overcome the man now smiling to greet Sasuke into the large room.
"Hey," Naruto said, his voice hoarse from restless hours, most likely. He received no verbal response as Sasuke stopped silently in front of the desk. "Any news?"
Sasuke scarcely appeared in the village when he had new intel on whatever mission Naruto had sent him on. They kept him away from home, as well, leaving Sarada in the same broken home state as Boruto. Boruto blamed his father for continuing to keep Sasuke away.
"The target moved to a new location," Sasuke informed, yet no hint of worry tinted his report. "My rinnegan tracked them to the edge of the Mist Village." Boruto watched his father groan and collapse back into his seat, both his original and prosthetic hand reaching up to rub his whiskered cheeks.
"I'll have to send a search team," the Hokage announced to no one in-particular. "I hope they can get to them before they move again. These punks are proving more impossible to deal with each day."
Moments of silence pass, both Sasuke's dark eyes and Boruto's watching Naruto lose himself in overwhelming responsibility. It was almost as if the stress was a physical weight that bore on the man's shoulders, pushing him farther and farther down to inevitably bring him to his knees. Eventually, Sasuke spoke.
"You seem tired," he said, matter-of-fact-like. Naruto only scoffed. "Are you going home tonight?"
Naruto scanned the work in front of him, then shook his head. Boruto deflated, although he had known the answer.
"No," Naruto replied. "There is no way I'll bypass all of this. How about you? You're done with your mission."
"No, I have to go back to the Mist and make sure or target remains where they are while the leaf get together," Sasuke answered.
"Return? But you just got here. Why did you come all this way just to report when you could have sent a message?"
"The Leaf is between the Sand and the Mist. I'm just stopping by," Sasuke explained. "Besides," Sasuke continued, a slightly different tone to his voice, "I wanted to see you."
The words made Boruto flinch. Usually Sasuke's voice was emotionless, but there was something there. Sasuke's black hair hid his face like a curtain, but even if Boruto couldn't see it, he knew the Uchiha was grinning.
His father was as well. The man wasn't just grinning, however. Naruto seemed to be beaming. Was there hidden meaning behind Sasuke's words?
"Well," Naruto exhaled, "I'm glad you did, but I'm a bit busy." His hand waved over his papers.
"Surely you can take a break?" Sasuke began circling around the desk, Naruto swiveling in his chair to follow him. Boruto's heart began to race in a sudden nervousness. What were they doing? 
"I don't know, Sasuke I-
Sasuke reached the blond, and Naruto became silent as the brunette leaned into him. What were they doing?!
Then, it was as if Boruto's world tilted as he watched his father's lips meet the other mans. It took everything he had to not bolt from his spot and away from the terrorizing scene in front of him now etching itself into his memory forever. And, just as he told himself it couldn't get worse, they proved him wrong.
Sasuke's hand emerged from his signature black cloak to hold Naruto's cheek, caressing the tan skin like a delicate apple. His thumb petted the dark marks on the other man's flesh, omitting a low moan from the Hokage. Boruto's breath hitched at the sound, and the urged to barf and cry at the same time came to him at an alarming rate.
Naruto then began to rise out of his seat, his hands now holding Sasuke at his waist. He maneuvered the Uchiha to sit on the desk, knocking documents off it in the process. Naruto found a new position between Sasuke's parted legs. Their kiss deepened, tongues now battling. Both men began to pant as their movements became more erotic.
Sasuke's only arm draped itself around his partner's neck, his fingers now playing with the stubble of blond left at the base of Naruto's short hair. Naruto's unbandaged arm traveled south to grope Sasuke's taunt behind that the ninja had toned over the years of vigorous training, while the other went in the opposing direction to tug at midnight locks. As it did, it forced their lips to part just enough for the Uchiha to draw in a gasp of pleasurable shock. Boruto watched in horror as his father's lips drew up in an evil sneer, promising that their future in devours would be much more sinful.
As Sasuke's head moved back, it revealed just enough of his pale neck for Naruto to access. Sure enough, the blond attacked and seem to devour the opportunity, kissing and sucking the smooth skin. The quick, unexpected movement excited Sasuke, his slender fingers digging in to Naruto's skull, his hips thrusting into Naruto's groin. Now grinding, the two bodies seemed to fuse and preform some sort of sexual dance. Boruto could nearly see the hot and heavy breath escape the men's mouths.
Then, what Boruto thought unthinkable began to unravel. Naruto's linen wrapped finger unlatched the string that held Sasuke's cloak on, the black fabric falling onto the surface below him like a blanket. The same hand, along with its brother, began to unzip the light blue vest Sasuke wore. This followed the removal of his dark, long sleeved undershirt to reveal an impressively muscular, yet painfully scarred torso that shook like a leaf under Naruto's touch.
"Naruto..." Sasuke breathed, his eyes closing as he fell victim to the addicting advances on his body. "Let me." It was a demand. Seemingly knowing what Sasuke wanted, Naruto kissed his lover's abused neck and stepped back, allowing Sasuke to recover from the desk and fall to his knees.
Boruto ceased to breathe, and his face felt as if it had been lit ablaze. He wasn't watching this. He was not watching this. He. Was. Not. Watching. This.
Sasuke used his teeth to skillfully undo Naruto's button and zipper. He then pulled the man's pants down far enough to expose the rather sizable tent that was pitched in Naruto's boxer-briefs. Agonizingly slow, Sasuke rubbed a gloved hand over the bulge, Naruto hissing and throwing his head back in response. Sasuke then leaned forward, kissing the damp cloth with feather-like intensity, a smirk forming around the gesture. His torturous teasing made the blond obviously harder.
"Dammit, Sasuke, stop," Naruto growled. Sasuke merely released a chest vibrating chuckle.
"What was that?" asked the brunette, mirth in his words. "I don't understand what you want me to do."
Naruto glared down at Sasuke, a hint of red shining through his irises. Even though Naruto was over Sasuke in authority, and now this situation, it seemed Sasuke held all control.
"I need my mission details, boss," Sasuke hummed seductively, the haze in his eyes darkening. Only moments passed between the two men as Naruto and Sasuke pinned each other down with equally heated gazes. Then, as if Sasuke's words had flipped a switch inside of Naruto, a blond eyebrow wiggled as a goofy grin spread across its owner's face.
"Suck, Uchiha," Naruto demanded. "Hokage's orders." The last words came out cheesy and overly cocky. Sasuke seemed to notice, and his face twisted into a slight cringe.
"On second thought, keep your mouth shut and let mine do the work." With that, Sasuke released Naruto's member into the open, only to sheath it once again inside his warm mouth and render it a generous suck. The only noise Naruto could make was a startled yelp as he grabbed the window seal behind him to steady himself. Sasuke's head began to bounce, his hazy eyes watching the man above him pant and moan. Naruto tried to keep eye contact, but struggled, his eyelids narrow and threatening to shut. Naruto eventually gripped Sasuke's hair, forcing Sasuke to pick up speed as Naruto pushed and pulled the man's head faster and harder over his cock. Boruto figured that Sasuke would choke at this rate, but the Uchiha remained unaffected as the large organ clogged his throat. After a long stretch of time, Sasuke's hand came up to push on Naruto's leg, asking Naruto to release him. He removed his lips from Naruto's member, griping the base of it to run his tongue roughly along the bottom of the hard appendage. Naruto let out a low, throaty growl, and Sasuke kissed the tip before rising to his feet once again.
However, just as soon as he collected himself, Sasuke was practically thrown onto the desk again. He blinked, confused as to what just happened, but Naruto was on him before he could process it.
"Naruto, wait-
Naruto took Sasuke's words with a bruising kiss, plunging his tongue back in to battle Sasuke's. Sasuke moaned.
Like they had a mind of their own, Naruto's hands worked at Sasuke's trousers with haste. In no time, both Sasuke's pants and underwear were yanked off and thrown to hit the closet door. Boruto nearly screamed, but the hand over his mouth kept him silent.
Naruto pulled away, their noses touching.
"Ready?" Naruto asked, eyes filled with want.
Boruto gulped. What was he about to witness? Were two men even able to have sex? How did that work? Frankly, although curious, Boruto did not want to find out.
He watched Sasuke nod. With permission, Naruto put three of his fingers up to Sasuke's swollen lips.
"I don't need that," Sasuke panted impatiently.
"It's been too long; I think you do," Naruto lectured. After glaring at Naruto for a short moment, Sasuke eventually took one finger into his mouth. He sucked and bobbed on it, just as he did with Naruto's lower regions moments before. He even licked and kissed it in the same manner before taking in the other two to treat them with the same attention. Naruto watched Sasuke's every move, a visible shiver running through his body each time Sasuke took another part of him into his mouth.
When Sasuke finished, Naruto moved one digit down to press on the tight ring of muscle below the raven, toying with the entrance.
"Just go," Sasuke cried. The command was more of a beg now. Naruto grinned, then finally pressed inside.
Sasuke's eyes rolled back into his skull, his head collapsing and connected harshly with the wooden surface underneath him. He groaned, but didn't show any other sign of pain. It wasn't until the second finger passed through Sasuke's entrance that a hiss arose from behind his clenched teeth.
"Are you ok?" Naruto asked, doctoring Sasuke's hot chest with kisses. Sasuke only nodded.
"Hurry," Sasuke whispered. Naruto inserted the third digit, permitting Sasuke to produce the most erotic yelp that either Uzumaki had ever heard. Sasuke's forearm raised to press on to his damp forehead, his eyes flying open. Naruto waited a moment, letting the man's muscles relax before he began his search for that spot that would guarantee that sound again. Once they did, he started prodding the walls that lined Sasuke's heat.
It didn't seem to take long for Naruto to find what he was looking for. He knew he did instantly, for when he hit that special bundle of nerves, Sasuke jumped and made a sound much more addicting than the previous one. He played with that spot for a bit longer, drinking in the image of Sasuke squirming and twisting underneath him.
"N-Naruto, I'm going to-
Yet again, Naruto cut Sasuke short, removing his fingers. Sasuke's breaths came fast and choppy. Naruto waited for them to even out before, without much warning, replacing his fingers with something much more fulfilling.
This time, Sasuke yelled, the sound causing Naruto to have to stop his advances before he finished too soon.
"Try to keep it down, my kids are here," Naruto warned.
'A little late for that,' Boruto thought to himself.
Sasuke nodded vigorously, shifting his hips to get use to the foreign, yet all too familiar object now intruding his more private areas. When he stilled, Naruto took it as permission to begin moving. His hips moved out slow and easy, but he thrusted in harshly, causing Sasuke to put his hand to his mouth to muffle another outburst. The sound worked as fuel for the blond, him then pulling out and thrusting in at a slightly faster pace. With every sound that Sasuke fought to muffle, Naruto picked up his speed. Eventually, he fell into a steady and quick rhythm, the men drowning in pleasure.
Then, as if Sasuke wasn't enjoying it enough already, Naruto seemed to find that spot inside Sasuke again, and Sasuke gasped, his hand flying up to dig his nails into the desk. Naruto kept hitting it with expert precision, Sasuke clearly losing all control.
"Naruto...Naruto...Naruto..." Sasuke chanted the man's name with each thrust. Naruto soaked up the praise like a sponge, Sasuke's name pooling from his own parted lips.
"I'm close," Sasuke announced.
"Me too," Naruto replied.
Sasuke pulled himself up, Naruto still moving, to wrap his arm around his lover's neck once again. He pulled him into a deep and endearing kiss. As they did, their sweaty bodies connected, one bare chest collided with orange cloth leaving just enough space for Naruto's good hand to snake in between them to pump Sasuke's own, dripping, neglected member. Sasuke's brow furrowed, fighting the urge to release, but it was beyond him now. He pulled away from Naruto's lips.
He came, his seed shooting onto his abs and Naruto's shirt. The contracting tightness around Naruto brought the blond over the edge almost at the same time.
And Naruto released inside of Sasuke, Sasuke moaning as the feeling of Naruto's warm cum filled him to the brim.
       Naruto's arms wrapped around Sasuke, keeping the collapsing, exhausted body upright. His forehead rested on Sasuke's shoulder. They fought to catch their breath in their moment of ecstasy, high off the feeling of sex. It was Naruto, beginning to laugh, that broke the moment.
       "What?" Sasuke asked in an exhale.
       "This is excellent R&R," Naruto scoffed. Sasuke's eyes rolled, but a small smirk presented on his lips. Naruto lifted his head to look at Sasuke...
       ...and what Boruto saw shocked him more than any other occurrence that night. His father was glowing. The smile on his face resonated love and strength. The man's eyes shown like the stars aside from the fatigue clearly present in them. That hero, that man his mother talked about, was finally there in front of him; well, without his pants, and screwing someone other than his mom, but he was there.
       "I love you" whispered Naruto. The words cut through Boruto's core. Naruto meant them. His father loved a man. He loved a man that made him the way he used to be: happy.
       "I love you, too," Sasuke whispered back. Those words were old, coated with a thick layer of age. Sasuke had felt love for Boruto's father long before Boruto could comprehend. "I love you so much." He kissed him with all the passion in the world.
       "We should probably clean up," Naruto laughed against Sasuke's lips. Sasuke inhaled and exhaled in agreement, wincing as Naruto pulled his now flaccid member out, continuing to grab tissue from a box on his desk. Naruto took the liberty of wiping Sasuke clean first, then himself, then tossing the soiled rag in a bin behind the table. They each took to retrieving their clothes, dressing themselves. As they did, Naruto noticed the white substance on the orange fabric of his shirt.
       "Ah, crap," he said, poking the splotches to discover that they were nearly dry already.
       "Should had took it off before," Sasuke lectured as he slid his vest on, zipping it up.
       "It's your fault, you bastard," Naruto accused as he retrieved the Hokage cloak from the back of his chair, wrapping it around himself to hide the stain.
       "I believe you're to blame for that one, idiot," Sasuke sneered. He took his own cloak from the desk, not putting it on but draping it over his one arm. Naruto only "Hm'd", smiling to himself in pride.
       "I'll have to take it to the cleaners one day. I can't let Hinata see."
Sasuke deflated slightly at the mention of his lover's wife. So did Naruto.
       "What are we going to do, Sasuke?" Naruto asked.
       "You have the power to marry me, you know?" Sasuke suggested.
       Boruto, still watching over the two, felt his throat sting as he refused to cry. He loved his father, and saw he was happier with Sasuke, but he knew that this would break his mother's heart.
       "Sasuke, you know I can't," Naruto reminded him. "Hinata...Sakura and the kids..." Naruto was frowning again. Sasuke did not look away, but he silently agreed. "Do you love your wife, Sasuke?" Sasuke seemed to think a moment, but inevitably nodded, admitting his love for Sakura.
        "Then we are both in the same situation," concluded Naruto. Boruto was slightly relieved that Naruto loved his mother still. "And would Boruto and Himawari feel about their father loving another man? What about Sarada?"
       "She looks at you like a father, anyway," Sasuke stated, smiling at the thought of his daughter.
       "Yeah...I suppose Boruto sees you as more of a dad than me," Naruto smirked sadly. "And Himawari loves you." Sasuke smiled in the same manner.
       The two fell silent, both men with longing in their hearts. They seemed so close, but so distant now.
       Suddenly, a small knock sounded from the door, breaking their gaze.
       "Dad?" It was Himawari's small, innocent voice. Boruto snapped to attention, and his stomach flipped. It would be so wrong to have someone so pure to be exposed to this room after what had just happened. A slight look of shame took place on Naruto's face. He seemed to feel the same discomfort. He began to scramble to tidy up the scene of the crime, sweeping up papers in handfuls and practically tossing them onto his desk.
       "U-uh, yes dear?" Naruto stuttered. Sasuke remained in his spot by the window, watching Naruto in amusement.
       "I-I can't find bubby," she cried. The sound of her voice pulled Boruto at his heart strings, and he had to fight not to run out and comfort her.
       "What? Where did he go?" Naruto was only half listening as he finished picking up the last few things, laying wads of documents on the table. He turned to face the door, leaning on the surface awkwardly. "Come here."
       The door sounded, her small footsteps coming fast as she ran to her father's embrace. He refrained from touching her, however, to Boruto's relief.
       "We were playing hide and seek and I've been looking forever! He's gone!" she cried louder.
       "Use your byakugan. That'll surely find him," Naruto suggested.
       "I can't, that's cheating!" Himawari yelled. Blinking, Naruto tried again.
       "It's not against the rules for me to use mine, is it?" Naruto asked. Himawari sniffled, then shook her head. "Do you want me to try?" She nodded.
       "Mhm," she mumbled.
       Naruto closed his eyes and focused. When he opened them, the blue of them were now yellow, the irises now rectangular.
       "Now let's see..." Naruto concentrated, not actually having to search for his son, but only having to locate the boy's chakra. "Ah, he's-
       Naruto's eyes widened, realization hitting him like a truck. Sasuke watched as the other man's face drained of color, then soon recolor with crimson. Naruto looked to his friend, but Sasuke still didn't seem to understand. It was only when Naruto's eyes found his office supply closet did Sasuke go just as rigid.
       "Oh shit..." came three shaking voices.

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