Acceptance as the Queen

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4/2/17- I forgot to upload this chapter yesterday. Oops! Here's chapter three of one of the most cringey things you'll ever read XD Enjoy I guess (I'm not even reading these chapters, I'm just uploading it ;3;


Disclaimer: Wait I'm forgetting the disclaimer! Natsu you can have the honor.

Natsu: OK everyone, your dear author does not own Fairy Tail and never will.

Author: Jeez Natsu, no need to ruin it in *Goes to cry in corner*

Lucy: Natsu! Look at what you did!


Lucy's P.O.V.

Everything was incredible. I watched in amazement as the scenery changed. I started to stand slowly, scared that if I went to fast I'd get thrown from Luna's back and fall to my death. I lifted up my arms and took a deep breath. I looked around to take in my surroundings seeing the beautiful skies, lands, and the beautiful dragons that inhabited the dragon realm. Luna suddenly dived down and I bent down and clung to her scales with a death grip. She landed softly in an open field, close to a gorgeous looking mansion. She crouched down again and indicated for me to get down. I looked around in amazement and in front of us was a beautiful marble palace that was encased in diamonds and crystals along with decorations that were made to look like dragons. The landscaping was ever as beautiful while it consisted of the greenest grass I've ever seen with the most beautiful flowers and had trees flowering delicious looking fruits. It also had a sparkling stream that snaked around, looking as though it was made of crystal. As I was admiring everything I saw a bright flash out of the corner of my eye and when I turned around there was a beautiful women. I asked the woman if she was Luna somehow. The woman said yes but she was in her human form. I then asked Luna if we could go inside of the palace and said "Of course, princess. This will be your home for the next 5 years." I gasped. I couldn't believe I'd be staying here. I had to play it cool though. "Please Luna, Just call me Lucy." She said ok. As we walked I asked Luna if she was going to become a mother figure to me just like Natsu and Igneel and she smiled and said of course. She looked genuinely happy with me. "Come on Luna, let's go in! I'm excited" She nods and agrees.

We entered the palace and I immediately spotted two dragons in their human form, fighting each other. The man on the right had messy red hair with slitted red eyes. He wore a black and red vest that hung loosely off his shoulders and baggy white pants. He looked like a certain someone I knew from Fairy Tail because of the white scaled scarf he wore on his neck. 

The man headbutting him had long bristly black hair that was tied into a ponytail. He had eyes similar to the other man's but his eyes were dark black that even the darkest of nights couldn't hold a candle to them. He had on a black shirt that showed off his masculine body along with faded grey jeans with metal piercings all over his body. He also reminded me of a certain dragon slayer from Fairy Tail. A few feet from the two men was a woman who looked pissed, shouting at the two to shut up. She had a chocolate cake in her lap with a fork stabbed in the middle. She had dark blue hair that went all the way to her waist with piercing blue eyes that were glaring at the men in front of me. She was wearing a lovely white kimono that had crystal snowflakes, carefully stitched into the fabric. Luna coughed to get their attention and their eyes darted towards us. Suddenly I felt intimidated and started to slowly inch behind Luna. She chuckled and pushed me forward, whispering to introduce myself. I bowed my head and say, "Hello, my name is Lucy Heartfilia.Nice to meet you. May I ask who you are?"

The woman that was yelling at the two fighting men walked up to me but it seemed as she floated then curtsied and said "Hello Princess Lucy, I am Grandeeney the Sky Dragon." She then points to the two men and says "The man with the scarf is Igneel, the Fire Dragon King and the man in the black shirt is Metalicana the Iron Dragon. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Princess." I nod and say "Oh it's my pleasure! I've heard so much about you from Wendy." She smiles and says "Oh so you've met my daughter. How quaint! Anyways Princess, may I escort you to your room?" I nod and say "Of course. Thank you, but there's no need to call me princess. You can just call me Lucy." Grandeeney smiled softly as she led me to a flight of stairs. She then brings me to a door that was made of gold and diamond. It had swirls carved into the material. When I opened the door I stared in awe. The room was so pretty and cute! It had a simple light pink wallpaper with a lovely white pattern. The flooring was dark mahogany wood. There was a queen sized bed with a white comforter that looked super comfy and it was under a big window that showed beautiful scenery. I noticed that there was a bedside table that had a picture of me and my mother from when I was about 4. When I finished reminiscing, I turned around to thank Grandeeney for everything but she had already left. I shrugged and said "Oh well, guess I'll take a bath."

I went into the bathroom and took a nice and hot bath. When I was done I went back to my room and looked into the closest. I picked out a white and flowy sundress that went down to my knees along with some cute sandals. I changed the belt that I wore my keys on so it'd better match my outfit. I walked over to my desk and sat down in the chair. I grabbed the brush that was on it and combed through all the tangles then summoned Cancer. Cancer came out and said "Whatcha need today- ebi?" I asked him to curl my hair into soft waves and then make a headband braid. He nodded and got to work. I look myself in a mirror and nod in approval then thanked Cancer. With that he left. I then walk outside and see Luna tapping her foot impatiently. I ask her what's wrong and she tells me she was just waiting on me and that she needed to tell me something so went went outside and sat on a bench. I spoke first and said "So what's up, Luna?" She replied and said "I forgot to tell you that I, Grandeeney, and Igneel are throwing a coronation party for you as the new Dragon Queen." I was a little surprised. I didn't expect for a party to be thrown or for me to be accepted as the new queen until the very end of my training. I said "Oh a party. That's cool but I should probably change.. Once again." Luna chuckled and said "Oh there's no need to worry. You have plenty of time and Grandeeney has picked a few gowns for you to choose from. If you'd like I could give you a tour of the dragon realm in the meanwhile." I then sighed and smiled. I told Luna that a tour sounded splendid. Luna then also smiled and started to show Lucy around. 

Timeskip to night time

I started to get a headache. Grandeeney had brought me three dresses to choose from from but I couldn't make a decision and the party was only an hour away. I ended up having to close my eyes and randomly choose. I picked up the dress, opened my eyes. I ended up choosing a beautiful pink gown. I smiled at it and got dressed

A/N Look guys I'm really lazy so I'm just gonna put a picture that I found of someone's fanart that was on google. I don't know who did it but it looks awesome (: Also Lucy summoned Cancer again and changed her hair to the bun hairstyle that you see in the picture!

 I don't know who did it but it looks awesome (: Also Lucy summoned Cancer again and changed her hair to the bun hairstyle that you see in the picture!

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I went ahead and did some final touches on myself before I had to go to the party. I grab a white purse then put my keys in it. As I'm doing that I hear a knock on the door. When I open it I see Luna. She gasped when she saw me and said "Oh my god, Lucy! You look so gorgeous!" I smile brightly and tell her thank you. Luna asks me if I'm ready to go and I say yes then we walk out. I quickly thank Grandeeney for the dress. When Luna and I got to the stairs we stopped and all eyes turned and were directed at us. I saw a LOT of dragons in their human form. I heard Luna say in a loud and clear voice, "Good evening ladies and Gentlemen! May I announce the new Queen, Lucy Heartfilia!" I smiled softly and Luna and I walked down the stairs.  I saw a group of people smiling at me and wondered to myself if they actually accepted me as their queen. Luna gives me a pat on my shoulder, reassuringly and I grin knowing that I sure was.


A/N Wow guys! Almost 2000 words (1623 exactly). It took a bit longer to write this chapter than I expected but I actually like it so yeah..!I truly hope you like it. IN the next chapter I think I'll do some training stuff. Anyways have a good day/night. See ya guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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