Problems of a Drinking Contest {America}

Start from the beginning

As soon as it opened and you and America appeared, the room quieted down. It got so silent that you could probably hear a pin drop.

You gulped as all the countries in the room turned in their seats to look at you and America. You weren’t used to so much attention being placed on you. And you were already nervous as hell to begin with.

America chuckled nervously, “Hey, dudes! America’s here; let’s get the party started!” He yelled, momentarily forgetting you were next to him.

After a few moments, you heard what sounded like a teacup being placed on a saucer; and instinctively turned to where the sound came from. A boy with messy blonde hair, the greenest eyes you’ve ever seen, and thick black eyebrows stood up. He glared at America until his eyes fell on you.

You felt your heartbeat quicken again; for some reason, this guy didn’t look so nice. Which was weird, because he looked like a gentleman at the same time?

Though once you two made eye contact, he smiled gently. “Hi there. You must be the new country. Sorry for America, he must have made you late. A real handful he is, trust me.” His voice was smooth and kind; you knew immediately that you would like him.

“Hey, England! Not cool bro!” America protested, then turned back to you. “This is _____. I was the first to meet her, yeah! Jealous much?” He laughed, making England facepalm.

You were about to say something, when suddenly you felt two arms snake around your waist from behind. You turned in surprise to see who it was, and sucked in a deep breath when you saw a ridiculously beautiful face with ridiculously beautiful hair and ridiculously beautiful eyes.

You sighed. Of course, it had to be him.

“Hello there mademoiselle~ Care for a rose, hmm?” France held up a red rose, and you swore you could see sparkles surrounding him.

“Don’t even think about claiming her, France—her vital regions are already mine!”

You turned to see a guy with white hair and red eyes smirking at you and France. Again, you sighed; you had read up all you could about the other countries before applying to be one, and knew beforehand how these two acted.

Speaking of France and Prussia … Wasn’t there another-

“Aww, she’s so cute and small! Unhand her, France.”

You mentally laughed. Bad Touch Trio.

“Duh, Spain, I can’t do that~” You heard France laugh, that weird ‘Oh hon hon hon’, before you felt someone pull you from his grasp.

“Dudes, let her go. I was the first-”

“-It doesn’t matter, stupid American-”

“-She’s mine! The only one awesome enough for the awesome-”

“-No, I wanna take care of her! I love kids-”

You tried not to laugh as you backed away from the four bickering countries. What was that about Spain, calling you a kid? But never mind that; Prussia couldn’t ‘claim your vital regions’! Plus that France, he was way too touchy.

You couldn’t help it—as you backed away, you began giggling. You’d always thought that becoming a country was serious business; but these guys definitely proved that wrong.

As you stepped back another few steps, you felt your back press against something solid. Surprised, you whipped around—only to come face-to-face with a smirking Italian. “Ciao, bella. You should give me kisses~ yes, come on! Gimme a kiss~!”

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