Me the new girl and him chapter 18

Start from the beginning

Tears cascaded down my face like a waterfall.

I couldn't even control it; I stumbled into a tree and slid down.

I brought my knees to my chest and rested my head on my knees and cried.

I must have been there for a while because I pretty much ran out of tears.

I lifted my head and wiped my eyes.

I pushed myself off the ground and glanced around at my surroundings.

It was getting dark, and cold.

Taking a deep breath, I started walking home.

About one block away from my house I heard a car pull up beside me and beep.

I glanced at the car and noticed it was Dylan, and let me tell you he looked really stressed.

He dramatically opened the car door and got out, slamming it behind him.

"Victoria West! Where were you? Huh? Your brother and Aunt are looking crazy all over for you. Wait are you okay?" he scolded me.

I burst out into tears, okay so I guess I'm not quite done.

"Aw Vic...come here" he said more softly and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

We stood there in the middle of the street, him holding me not talking while I was crying.

That's the great thing about Dylan, if you were upset or mad, he wouldn't say anything, he would just sit there and hold you and listen.

I pulled away and looked up at him.

"Come on, I'll bring you home" he said sweetly and picked me up and placed me in his car.

When I arrived at my house my aunt was frantically walking outside the front door and my brother had his head in his hands.

We pulled up and Dylan opened the door and helped me out.

Aiden glanced up and relief fell upon his face.

"Oh God Victoria"

He ran up to me and hugged me like he hasn't seen me in forever.

"I thought I lost you, I thought you left I thought the worst" he mumbled in my hair.

I felt like crying again but I fought them back.

He squeezed me hard and then let go.

He scanned my face, which was probably puffy and blotchy from crying so much.

"Vic what happened?" he asked concerned.

I forced out a laugh and replied,

"Let's just say I was being used...and I found out the hard way."

He sighed and brushed my cheek with the back of his hand.

He kissed my forehead and said,

"Come on lets get you inside. Dylan can come right?"

I nodded.

{Okay that was brotherly sisterly love nothing more because that's just wrong and nasty lol}

Aiden walked inside.

I surprised myself by actually waiting for Dylan to be at my side.

Dylan's facial expression was confused but he put his hand on a small part of my back and guided me inside.

I guess I kinda miss him as a friend.

Once inside my room Aiden closed the door and leaned on it.

"Okay tell me everything" he said.

Dylan just nodded.

I plopped down on my bed and told them everything...from the football game to Dylan finding me.

Of course I got the big brother reaction from Aiden.

"What a fuckin tool! I swear if I see that ass hole I will beat the crap out of him." He said as he balled his hands in a fist.

He mumbled something like

"I'm gonna go cool down" and walked out of my room just leaving Dylan and I alone.

We were quiet for a moment and then Dylan said,

"See this is what happens when you date a young immature need someone wiser and older."

I glanced at him and rolled my eyes I knew what he meant by older, he meant him.

"I'm not dating a 60 year old that's nasty." I said.

He made a face and replied,

"Eww that's nasty I meant like a senior like me"

I sighed and looked at him.

"Dee {Nickname for Dylan...that's what I called my friend Dylan sometimes lol} I really don't feel like talking about relationships and liking people right now...not that I don't love you because I do just not that way anymore. Talk to me about this in a couple of weeks okay?" I said as I placed my hands on his.

He rubbed my hand and chuckled,

"Sorry I'm here for you I just want you to know that."

I nodded and pulled him down on the bed next to me, and rested my head on his shoulder.

He sighed and stroked my hair.

I wont cry for the tool anymore...I wont let myself cry over him.

I felt my eyes get heavy and eventually I fell asleep.

Okay so that's it for chapter 18...pretty sad that she didn't end up with Brett or James right? James is an ass hole I was even mad as I was writing this =/

This obviously isn't the last chapter but next chapter I am going to change the setting to a couple of months later.

I'm shooting for 50 fans! I'm almost there too =)


I got 17 votes on the last chapter.

I'm shooting for 15 votes for the next chapter...I know you guys can do it I mean I have like 47 fans its no trouble just click on the 'vote' button and make it so it says 'voted'





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