Now I sound like I'm giving a Ms. America speech.

I stopped beating up the punching bag and walked over to the shower to clean off all the sweat. I looked down at my knuckles to see them all battered up.

D*mn it

I looked around to find a spare first aid kit when my eyes fell upon it next to the radio that was currently blasting some pop song.

I didn't know where everything was yet, even though this was my own gym. Being a gang leader sure has its perks like being loaded and having everyone fear you.

As I finished bandaging up my knuckles, one of the butlers came down the stairs.

"Sir, there is this lady by the name of Jennifer Goodling here asking for your presence." He said in his southern drawl. Jennifer isn't in my gang, but the only reason I keep her around is because she is my f*ck buddy. Yeah, I'm a player.

"Tell her I'll be right there," I said turning the other way to clean up the bandage wrappers. I don't understand why she couldn't just come down here herself. She literally lives here. Her parents are only in this gang because they're related to my parent's best friends. I don't even know why they're here, but I can't do anything about it.

When I finished cleaning up, I walked up the stairs to see Jennifer in her usual outfits. The cliché tight crop tops showing off her breasts, her short skirts ending just below her butt, and her 6-inch heels with her face caked with makeup. When she noticed me, she started twirling her hair and push down her shirt as if it could go any lower. Normally, I would like it, but I wasn't in the mood today.

I heard that when we left, a new gang came in led by a guy named Jeffery Kallus.

"What do you want?" I asked in a bored tone. "I'm busy."

"Well, I thought you could take a break and we could do something," she said trying to sound sexy, but I'm in business mode. Right now I thought she looked retarded. Growing impatient, I pushed her aside and stomped to my car.

I already knew where Jeffery's office was. When I parked the car, I was surprised to find that it was an orphanage. It was a nice disguise, but I knew that he lived here. I walked up the steep stairs and knocked on the door since the doorbell was broken. After about a minute of waiting, the door finally opened. Out came a muscled man with blonde hair and brown eyes that were bloodshot red at the time. My face contorted in disgust as I smelled what seemed to be cigarettes, alcohol, and sweat.

"What do yo-," he was about to ask, but I just pushed him out of the way and entered. Inside was when he finally noticed who I really was. He tried to keep his face neutral, but I saw the fear slipping through.

The orphanage looked pretty nice at first glance, but I could see holes in the walls and light brown carpet ripping from the seams. He led me to what looked like a living room and motioned for me to take a seat and then sat down himself.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in a bored tone. His voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Not a pretty sound.

Already put out with his tone, I answered, " Since you already know I'm the leader of the Silver Vipers, I don't need to tell you anything. Just leave with your gang and I don't want to see you again." I said in a deadly tone. This time he didn't bother to conceal his fear.

Just when he was about to talk, we heard footsteps from outside coming up the stairs.

"Excuse me please," Jeffery said with anger hinting in it.

Five minutes later, he still didn't come so I got up to investigate what was going on. I wasn't paying attention when a small warm body bumped into mine. My reflexes kicked in and my arms automatically went to go wrap around the person's small waist.

I looked down to see the most adorable thing ever. It was a small girl. She looked to be about 17, but her height was 5'2" ish. Her cute button nose was scrunched up and her eyes tightly closed. She had soft curly hair that flowed down to her waist. Her small hands were holding my shirt tightly, but I didn't mind. Her eyes opened and I saw the most beautiful green orbs ever. To make her look even cuter, her checks turned into an adorable pink color. She tried to stand up which resulted in her bumping into my chest. I chuckled at her when her cheeks turned a darker red color.

She looked down at her sneakers and said in the sweetest voice "Um.. c-can you please r-remove your hands?" I reluctantly removed my arms from her small waist and allowed her to step back even though every cell in me was telling me to take her back.

Wait! I'm a vicious gang leader! I don't call things cute and adorable.

In that time, she moved towards the stairs after whispering a quiet thank you. I was going to say you're welcome, but Jeffery called me. I heard her tiny footsteps grow less and less until they stopped and a door was opened. I looked ahead of me to see Jeffery looking angry. I guess he saw our interaction.

I then realized that she must have been an orphan to live here.

Nice job Sherlock.

I followed him back to the living room where we discussed what was going to happen. After we were done I shook his grimy hand and walked back to the front door. As I was walking, I saw a pink pencil case on the floor. It was ripped and covered in doodles. I had a feeling it was hers since she was the only person I saw. On the corner of the pencil case, it said the words "Joclyn Woods".

So that was her name, I thought. It suited her.

I walked up the stairs and saw a hall of doors. Some of them were opened and I saw that they were in good condition.

That's good. She won't have a bad room unlike the rest of the house.

Finally, I reached a door in the corner with Joclyn's name on it so I timidly knocked on it, hoping I wasn't interrupting anything. I heard her feet padding on the wood floor and then the door opened.

To say I was surprised would be an understatement. Her room was horrible. The bed wouldn't even be called a bed, her window was broken and covered with a soggy piece of cardboard, the closet was missing a door, and the worst was her. Her arms were full of bruises and scars. Some new while others old. I quickly turned my face expressionless and looked down at her. I handed Joclyn her pencil case and left, but I didn't miss the small blush on her face. I stomped down the stairs and went through the door, slamming it shut. I don't know why, but I was angry. Was she being abused? Were those self-inflicted scars? Was she being bullied? All of these thoughts clouded my headed and each one of them punctured my heart more. We haven't even had a conversation and she was already flooding my thoughts.

I realized that we probably go to the same school. Thank god. I don't know why it hurt me when I thought of never seeing her again.

There it is! The third chapter. Should I add more Grayson povs or should I stick with Joclyn's. I'll probably edit the story after I finish it so sorry for any mistakes!








By my dudes and dudettes!💜

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