"Well she'll have to get over it" she shrugs.

Michael's POV

I put Precious down for a nap so she won't be cranky during the christing and head back downstairs and even though she's smiling and talking to everybody, I can see something's wrong with Faith so I take her to one side so that we're alone.

"Is something wrong?" I ask concerned. "No why?" She shakes her head. "Are you sure? You seem a little off. Is it the baby?"

"The baby's fine" she smiles "then what's wrong?" I raise an eyebrow knowing there's something and she sighs heavily and explains about Julie and Enid.

"Enids probably just feeling a little weird with your mom being here. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about" I reassure her. "But my dad's doing it too. He keeps looking at her really weird like they've been arguing or something. I just don't want them fighting. Especially today" she says with a worried look on her face.

"Why don't I go and speak to Jackie and find out what's going on?" I smile and peck her lips. "I've noticed him and Julie giving each other weird looks too, but I didn't want to say anything to Faith because she's been stressing out enough about today already and I don't want her worrying about Julie and Jackie and whatever argument they may have had.

Jackie's POV

I knew from the start today was going to be difficult with Enid and Julie both being around each other and by the way they keep looking at each other, I'm starting to get worried that Julie might say something.

As I'm talking with Enid and my mother, I keep looking over in Julie's direction and I see her walk away from Faith and Michael and go towards the stairs.

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" I smile at mother and Enid. "Ok" Enid smiles and kisses me and I kiss her back and make my way upstairs.

I get upstairs and I see Julie alone looking into one of the bedrooms. "What the hell are you doing?" I say walking over to her. "I was just checking the baby was ok" she says innocently. "That's Faith and Michael's problem not yours and I'm talking about what you were doing downstairs"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the way you keep looking at Enid and giving her nasty looks" I frown. "What do you expect me to be like when you say you wanna be with me and your going to leave her. Yet your all flirty with her and an talking about having more kids! Makes me wonder whether you really are planning on leaving her or just saying that to keep me on the side" she scoffs "I told you I'm going to leave her and I will. After I've sorted things with my lawyers and she was the one talking about having more kids not me"

"But you weren't exactly against the idea. The way you were talking sounded more like you did"

"Julie we talked about this and I told you I don't wanna have anymore kids. The fact that I gave the last one to Faith and Michael should be pretty obvious" I say with an attitude. And she doesn't say anything and turns and looks back into the bedroom.

"Is she even safe being left alone on a bed like that?" She frowns "she's not our baby anymore" I shake my head. "That doesn't mean we can't still care about her" she frowns "I do care about her, but Faith and Michael are her parents now and her safety is their problem not ours and you can clearly see she's fine" I say softly and she doesn't answer me. "Could you please try and be nice to Enid... just for today?" I ask and she turns to me and frowns "are you serious!?"

"Today isn't about us. It's about Faith, Michael and Precious. So could you please not say anything to her?"

"Whatever" she rolls her eyes.

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