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Hello, and I am the author! This is just a very brief disclaimer before you, reader dearest start the book!

A lot of things are... messed up. Time is very weird in this book. It isn't normal, and it's awkward. I didn't really remember that singers have managers, and conversations are extremely awkward and oddly written. Now, if you look down, if you may!

Next up, copyright (dun DUN)! Okay, in all seriousness, don't steal my book and call to your own. I'm a nice person, and I'll ask you nicely to stop, but I will use force if needed. I seriously have documents of every chapter, drafts and unedited material, so I can prove you wrong, buddy.

Next, please don't publish my book on any other sites. If I want to put it in AO3, I will under my own account. (follow me!: twentyonesubmarines)

Enjoy the read, and make sure to check out my rewrite!



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