Chapter 15 (Final Chapter)

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Official Wallpaper for this book on the side (that I made :P) ----->

plus, there is also a perfect ending song on the side too. Its"Poisoned with love" By Neon Hitch ---->



(Ben's POV)

upon waking up in the morning, I looked over to see link still asleep next to me. I smiled and brushed his hair to the side before leaning over and kissing him softly. I pulled away and he opened his eyes partially. I sat up and he stretched. "morning sleepy" I said, poking him. He smiled and pulled me down for a kiss. "what time is it?" he asked, in a sleepy yet very sexy voice. I looked at the screen of my phone. "9:47" Link groaned. "why must you get me up so early?" he complained, before stuffing a pillow on his face. I chuckled. "fine sleeping beauty, ill be downstairs." he moved the pillow and looked at me, "ok" I kissed him and then left his room.

Making my way down the hallway, Navi stopped and said good morning to me, wait.... wasn't Navi with... Zelda? "is Zelda here?" I asked her. She squeaked "She's downstairs!" oh, that explains it. the She flew downstairs and I walked to the bathroom ,did all my morning things and then walked downstairs. Zelda was singing in the kitchen. I leaned against the wall, just watching her. She saw me and had a mini heart attack. "Fuck you ben" "please don't" I said, laughing. She glared at me. "ill slap you" I took a step back from her. She slaps hard, I know that from experience... hehe... "sorry, im just being a bitch, you know, like I always am" she said, shooting daggers at me with her eyes.

I sat on the couch and Zelda sat next to me. "where's link?" "sleeping" she laughed an rolled her eyes. "typical link" "yep" we talked a bit before I decided to go wake up link. "im gonna go get him up" "alright"

I entered his room and he was still sleeping. he looked so peaceful... I smiled and then walked over to the bed. I sat on the edge and poked him. he groaned. "get up silly" "fuck off..." I laughed. "nope" I laid on my side and faced him. he opened his eyes partially to look at me. "what time is it now?" "11:30" "still too early" He complained. "but if I must...." He sat up and stretched. "you look half dead" he gave me a sleepy smile. "thank you" I chucked and kissed him. he kissed back. "now get up" I said, pulled away from him and crawling on him. "I kinda cant" he joked. I kissed him again and he smiled. I kissed him again and we ended up making out. He bent his knees around me and I kissed his neck.

(Links POV)

"Wait" he said, pulling away from the soft spot on my neck. "Zelda's here" "so?" "you want her to know we're fucking?" "we can stay silent" I winked. "you know me babe... that's never gonna happen" I chuckled. "uhg, fine." he smiled and kissed me. To be honest, there really is no other place id rather be. he pulled away and smiled, then got off me so I could get up. "ill be downstairs" "wait" I said, stopping him. "what?" I smirked. "take a shower with me" "fine, ill be back though" he walked out of my room.

I got up and grabbed the comb off my nightstand that I put there last night. I combed through my hair, parting it in the way I always do. I seriously need to take a shower, I can actually feel the grease in my hair. ben walked back in my room "hey, Zelda wants you to come eat before we do anything" "fine" I set the comb back down. "ill be down in a sec" "k" we kissed and I walked to he bathroom to do my morningly things.

(Ben's POV)

"Ben" "what?" "come here"  "uhg, what do you want woman" she chuckled. "we don't get along very well do we?" "clearly we don't" our attention turned towards the stairs as link came down. "Morning Linky!" Zelda said with a happy smile. "Don't call me that" he laughed. I glared at Zelda then smirked and kissed link, passionately. "PDA much?" "jealous much?"

(Link's POV)

I bit my lip and tried to hold back a laugh as my boyfriend ad closest friend fought over me. "I am not jealous!" She stammered. "bullshit" "im not bullshitting you!" "admit It Zelda, your soooo jelly" he said, poking her teasingly. She huffed. "Am not" "are too" "am. Not." "Guys" "are too" "guys!" they looked over at me and I chuckled. "I feel loved" "thats cause you are loved" he poked me on the nose and chuckled. I smiled. "uhg, boys stop flirting and come eat" We ate breakfast and then me and ben went upstairs. "we still taking a shower boo?" He looked over at me. "fine" "you don't have to if you don't want to" "no link, I want to" he came over and kissed me.

"im glad we're together ben" I whispered to him as the hot water fell over us. he laced his fingers with mine. "I love you so much Link... Im sorry I never show it enough" "just you being here is enough proof ben..."

"I love you link" "I love you too"


gah omg this was the last actual chapter!!! >o< Nuuuuu!!!

Im writing an epilogue and then this book is done.


I have good news!!! There WILL be a third book! its called "Deadly Innocence" ^-^


Go ahead and try (Book two) (Ben DrownedXLink Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now