Chapter 3

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(link's POV)

I sat there, in the dark, holding back tears. I just lost my best friend on my own account and i already lost ben. My life is shit. complete and total SHIT. what happened to the badass link whos out kicking ganon's ass and saving princesses? Where did he go? He was lost almost two years ago when i fell for ben.... let me tell you a bit of a backstory.

I dont know for sure why, but me and ben have always been enemies. The moment we saw eachother at the clocktower for the first time, something clicked and we were at eachothers throats for so long. He hated me so much, though he could never kill me. there was one time where he ried to set me on fire with his Ocarina, he played the song of healing backwards then even came up with a corny nickname for it "the song of UNhealing" like seriously dude? could you get anymore original? god i love sarcasm. Anywho, that day he declared he was gonna finish me off, and then failed completly and kissed me... a whole new feeling clicked inside me.Feelings of love. God i hated myslef for it. that night i...raped him... i have no idea what i was thinking.... i shouldnt have done that.

I laughed slightly, Thats his line.... he even joked about that. for a year, we were fine, things fell apart at times but it was always fixed in the end. no perminate scars. I shouldnt be thinking about him... I knew it would end like this. i need to get over this. these feelings mean nothing. i clung to Zelda's words that were running stale. last time he left, she told me "if you love something left it go. if it comes back, its yours. if it doesnt, it was never yours to start with" god i hope he comes back. I want him to be mine. I want him so badly. Id kill for even a little kiss from him. Oh that reminds me. I kissed my best friend... could i be any more stupid?! She was trying to forget the feelings for you and you go and kiss her! nice one link... nice... Shes probably at home crying her eyes out... god, im turning into a monster. I decided to just sleep off the rest of this night.

(Zelda's POV)

i sit on my bed, staring out the window. "Zelda?" navi's tiny voice squeaked tiredly. "yes Navi?" i asked hazely. "you alright?" "im fine navi, go back to sleep" I got up and walked over to my closet. Stripping out of my heavy dress, i threw on some PJs. I then went over to my mirror and began taking all the ribbons and such out of my hair. I set them on the vanity and then unbraided my long blonde hair. Taking a brush, i brushed through it, untangling all the knots from it being styled. I then opened a bottle of makeup remover and began removing this face cake. I finihsed and looked in the mirror. I looked normal. Link has never seen me like this. He may be my Best friend but its highly disrespectful for royalyty to not be dressed up. to be honest, i hate being a princess. Its so boring! All i do is get captured and saved and protect the gaddamn triforce! Its sooooo boring! I refuse to cry over Link... I respect he fact that he wants to be left alone. It must be so hard for him right now. but... why did he kiss me? I Layed on the bed. Navi was lawing on a ring pillow i randomly have in my room. she looked so peacful. i smiled at her before getting comfy under the covers and falling asleep.

(Ben's POV)

Its morning. Im standing here listening to MS ramble on about how i need to go do a bunch of things for him today. I rolled my eyes. "i get it" i said shutting him up. "you've litterally repeted yourself like 4million times. i get it" he sighed. "soory, go, felix will go with you" "i can go alone, im not 5" he glared at me. "why does he have to follow me around, why cant D.L. come with me?" "D.L. is busy, shall i remind you he's link's shadow?" "whatever, im ging alone" "No you arent" "ready?" felix said, wrapping an arm around me and kissing me. i sighed as he pulled away. "sure, lets go" we left and walked to town. Why did i never have a say in anything anymore? we passed Link's house and he was out on his front porch playing with string. We locked eyes for a second and he got up and went inside. A wave of sadness hit me like a tsunami. We got to the town and i masked my frown with a smile. "okay so we have to..." he listed what we had to do and we did it all. at the end, we went to the shop where we found MS talking to someone at the desk. he looked like he was really enjoying the conversation as he showed someone a mask. I rolled my eyes at him. he saw us walk up. "just one second" the costomer nodded and smiled. "you boys get everything done?" "yes" "you can go do whatever then" Felix took my hand and led me to the breakroom, i sat on the couch and he locked the door. "why did you lock it?" "why not?" "we're not having sex" "i didnt say we were" "im not stupid, thats what you wanted." "maybe it is, why do you care?" "no" i said standing up from the couch. I started walking to the door and he blocked it. "you're not leaving" "yes i am, move" "No" "Dammit Fleix move!" "no ben, you arent leaving" he pushed off and grabbed my wrists, held them above my head and pinned me to the wall. His lips crashed into mine. he put his feet on mine so i couldnt kicked him. Cause, let me tell you, right now, i wanna knee him so hard his dick gets pushed inside his body. Im that pissed at him. okay, that might be a little too harsh.... hehe... He pulled away and kissed my neck. "felix" i said as he started moving one of his hands downwards. he used he other one to hold my hands above my head. "Felix stop!" i yelled as he started to snake his hand up my tunic. "What about your rule felix!" "what rule..." "where if i wasnt ready you wouldnt do this" "screw that rule ben" he continued kissing my neck and i struggled to break free as his hand made its way up my tunic. he fingered around my nipple and continued to kiss my neck. He kissed along my jawline and themn went back to my lips. He poulled away for a breath. "felix... please stop" i complained. I was trying so hard to stop my body from accepting this. It felt so good but ididnt want this. I didnt want felix to touch me like this. I prayed someone, anyone would come knocking at the door but nobody did. He ran his hands down to my tights and began snaking his hand inside. "Fleix dont!" I complained. He ignored me and did it anyway. he stroke my buddy and i fought so hard not to react to it. It hurt, i was straining myself to keep my hormones under control. I failed so horrible, it may have been the worst fail in history. "Felix" i was crying by this point. My body reacted to his touch and i rose closer and closer to climaxing. "felix stop please" i complained. He instead took it farther. Dropping to his knees, my wrists still in his tight grip, he pulled my tights down slightly and took my buddy out. He then fucked me. I didnt want this. No i didnt want this at all. More tears streamed down my face. "Felix..." i felt myself rise higher and higher to climax. "felix, stop!" he ignored me. "felix.." i came and he moaned as my boy juices flooded his mouth. The tears fell harder as he pulled away. "that was nice ben" he dropped my hands and i fixed my tights. he was smirking at me and it made me sick. my face burned a shade of red as i unlocked the door and ran home. i dont care how many people were staring. Oh did i forget to mention something? Oh right, Felix and MS decided to taint something i drank with a potion that takes away teleportation. Its infinant and you can only undo it with a different type of potion. As i passed Links house, i noticed him leaving it. He looked at me and i hid my face and kept running. I want to drop dead right now.  just got raped by someone i dont love and never will love. It felt so sickening, i hated every second of it. Running inside, i ran to the bathrrom and stripped to nothing. Turning on the water, i got in the shower. I felt like i had been infected or something. I let my tears fall har as i scrubbed my body, getting this "infection" off me. This was the worst mistake ever. I could have defended link. Someday, i will kill Felix... even if its on accident. this is tearing me apart.



anywho, hope you liked this chapter.

what are your thoughts on Felix so far?

tbh, i think hes a dick. 'nuff said. lol


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