Chapter 14 (Finally part 2)

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grr, I seriously need new glasses.... Mine are to small.... XD


also, I've been getting comments about how Link and ben are basically twins.... um.... ok... just so you peeps know, Bens tunic is actually darker and a more brownish green than link's, ben is shorter and hes a druggy XD. Also, Bens hair is a bit darker and... um... Ben's eyes turn black and bleed... XD Plus, Ben has Sharp teeth and link doesn't.


(Bens POV)

I don't know how long we stayed like this, but he pulled away for a breath. his forehead resting against mine, we were both panting slightly, trying to catch our breath. I let my eyes dart over to MS who was Glaring. He looked extremely pissed. I turned my attention back to link, who looked at me through the top of his eyes. he glanced over at MS and he gave me a half smile. "I should go..." he whispered. "no, please don't..." "I.... ben... gah im sorry" He broke away and I felt my heart crack slightly. He took one last look at me before running out of the house. I stood there, dumbfounded. Why did he leave. MS tried to get my attention but I ignored him and ran to my room, then slammed and locked the door. I opened the window and proceeded to get high as the bloody tears gushed from my eyes. MS tried to get me to open the door but kid eventually got him to give up.

They both left and a depressing silence fell over the house.  I sat here on the floor, leaning against my bed, smoking. Why did he leave.... That repeated in my head over and over until I had a headache that was so bed, I wanted to scream. I looked like a fucking mess, I didn't even need a mirror to see that.

(Link's POV)

I walked in the house and closed the door slowly. I shouldn't have left him but I couldn't bear to be there with MS. I admit, kissing him like that felt like a dream, the way our hair fell to the side of our faces, curtaining our kiss from the rest of the world. I leaned against the door and smiled. I wish I could do that again. Zelda gave me a playfully confused face. "why are you so happy?" she said poking me on the nose. "Reasons" I told her. She laughed. "come eat silly" We ate dinner making small talk about random things. "So, tell my why you were so happy, please?" I smiled at her and took a drink of water. "I told you reasons" "that's not an answer link" she laughed. "fine, i may have lied to you about going to a friends house..." i said, a small blush creeping across my face. "Where did you go then?" My ears went back and i bit my lip. "ben's house..." I looked down blushing and biting my lip. "that's adorable link! you guys are perfect together!" We finished dinner and i helped Zelda clean up.

There was a knock at the door and I looked at Zelda and she looked back, I then raced to the door and opened it. Ben was there, his hands trembling terribly as he lit a cigarette. "Holy shit dude what happened?" he sat on the porch and put his knees up. he then hugged them to his chest and buried his face. he was shaking like an animal, and, judging by his eyes, he was high. VERY high. I sat next to him. "Benny what's wrong?" He didn't respond. I put my arm around him. Damn, he was shaking a lot. "Ben tell me what's wrong" he lifted his head and kissed me. his mouth tasted strongly of Cigarettes. he was obviously having some sort of emotional break down. he pulled away and face forward again. "im sorry link..." His voice was scratchy and ragged. He took another drag from the cigarette then put it out. "Felix isn't real link... MS teamed up with one of his friends who works with witchcraft and other stuff like that and the created him to drive us apart. and it seems to have worked..." "Ben, its okay..." "no, its not, i turn against you Link, thanks to them" "but you came back when you found out... you were never against me. I could see it in your eyes ben"

(Ben's POV)

I hate how he could read through me so well. he saw the truth. he knew that i loved him even if i acted like i didn't. "come inside boo" he said, standing up and offering me a hand. "is Zelda here?" "yeah she is" "I was just leaving actually, my parents are gonna flip in im not home soon" Link jumped. "Fuck, how long were you standing there?" "long enough to know you two need to be alone" She smiled. "oh and navi is gonna come with me" "alright" Navi flew past and started up the road. "Wait up Navi!" she called, running after her. He pulled me inside and up to his room. "here, one sec" He left the room and came back a few minutes later with a glass of water. he handed it to me. I hesitated. "it wont kill you ben" i chuckled a bit and took the glass from him, then took a drink and set it on the nightstand. I was still shaking terribly. "ben...?" "yeah?" "not to be rude or anything but... are you high?" "very" "wow" "don't worry about it..." I coughed. My throat really hurt and to be honest, my lungs hurt a bit too... I laid back on links ben and he crawled on top of me. his hair curtaining his face, making him look adorable. he leaned into me then stopped and smirked. he then jumped off me and walked out of the room. "Fucking tease!" I yelled, before taking off my boots and laying on link's bed.

He returned a second later, combing through his hair. I stuck my tongue out at him and she chuckled. he set the comb down on the nightstand and crawled on me again, this time, he straddled me at the hips. "sooo...." "sooo what?" "I don't know" he traced circles on my chest and smiled. "did MS hurt you at all after I left benny?" "no, I locked myself in my room and Kid had to drag him out of the house." "wow" "can I stay with you tonight?" "of course boo" I chuckled and pulled him down by the top of his tunic, then kissed him passionately.

(Link's POV)

I was so glad I could finally call him mine again. we sat on my bed cuddled together, watching tv all night. He fell asleep an I smiled. he looked so cute. I planted a small kiss on his lips before shifting a bit and closing my eyes as well. "I love you..." he whispered, snuggling closer to me. "I love you too"


One more chapter then the epilogue!

Trust me, there WILL be a third book. Its called "Deadly Innocence" ^-^


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