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Dear diary, 

Today was the first day of school. I totally hated it. There is this one bitch in my class named Amber. I hated her so much. 

First of all, all the boys started to look at her like she was a fucking super-model, but guess what?
My parents know her's and they told me she has lices. 

Anyways, all of them started literally to drool when they first saw her. I bet it was because of her beautiful fucking blonde hair. Fuck her. 

My teacher said her name is Miss Green. More like Miss Piggy, because how fat she is. 

I also noticed something really funny at my class. A boy named Matt. I want to fuck him, he is so hot. But I can't think of him right now; I have to concentrate myself on Bitchy-Amber. Tomorrow I am going to try and kill her.

I think I'm going to tell you the story of how I went this crazy and how my love for deaths and Satan grow this big. 

It all started 3 years ago, when I was just one (it was about to be my birthday). I sneaked into the living room where my parents were seeing a horror movie — I felt sorry for those little fuckers for thinking I was asleep. Anyways, I was behind the couch paying attention to the movie. It was a scene were a girl was about to be raped, but grabbed a knife and stabbed the rapist like 200 times. The cops didn't put her in jail, because she was defending herself. I couldn't believe that was even possible. 

Three days later, I committed my first crime: kill my cat. 

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a butcher knife. Then I went to find him and he was in my room. Of course I couldn't kill him right there, because there would be blood everywhere. So I moved him to the garage, and stabbed him, just like the lady did in the movie. It may sound a little spooky, but I felt so good. This was a way for me to relax from all the stupidity that there was in the world. 

Of course, I know what you're thinking "But Phoebe, didn't your parents found out?" Of course they found out. When they were looking at the crime scene, I was laughing. 

My mom defended me, but that was her biggest mistake. Well, I think that her biggest mistake was more like putting me in the world, haha.

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