Chapter Eighteen The Run

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I looked around at the Grievers I looked at Tom then at the bunch of Grievers near the Cliff. 

We have to get through that! I said in his head I looked back at him, he just nodded. 

"You lead," Newt said to Minho 

"make a bloody path for Tommy and Caitlin. Do it," Minho nodded then shouted at the Gladers. 

"We head straight for the Cliff! Fight through the middle, push the shuckin' things towards the walls. What matters most is getting Thomas and Caitlin through the Griever Hole!" I looked over at Tom he was staring at the monsters and gripping his spear tightly I copied him staring at the Grievers waiting for Minho's sign for us to go and gripping my knife. 

"Ready!" Minho yelled I gripped my knife tighter imp not going to let the boys have all the fun in destroying the Grievers and getting revenge on the Creators. Minho pointed his knife at the Grievers 

"now!" he ran forward Newt went after him right on his heels and the other Gladers followed closely behind. Tom went to grab my hand but I pulled away. 

  I got this Tom, I said in his head so we had no hard feelings. The Gladers kept coming I stood next to Tom waiting for the perfect opportunity to run through. The first sounds of boys crashing into Grievers sounded followed by screams. Chuck ran past Tom but before he got far Tom reached out and grabbed his arm. 

 "Chuck, you're with me and Caitlin," he said it forcefully no doubt at all. Chuck looked forward. 

"But..." he trailed off. 

 "We need your help in the Griever Hole, in case one of those things is in there waiting for us," Chuck nodded quickly. 

"Ok then hold Caitlin's hand. Let's go." I smiled at Chuck as I grabbed his hand I looked up there was a wide gap I pointed ahead. 

"Now!" Tom shouted. He sprinted ahead I followed closely pulling Chuck behind me and clutching my knife tightly holding on to it not just for my sake but also for Newt and the others. Gladers fought around us. The sound was terrifying human screams, the metallic noise of the Grievers and their shrieks. I went through the code in my mind as we ran. 

FLOAT, CATCH, BLEED, DEATH, STIFF, PUSH. I looked up and saw a Griever about to slice my arm I didn't hesitate I stabbed it with my knife and continued to run after Tom. Helping Chuck run around the Griever. I looked forward and saw the Cliff I ran after Tom dragging Chuck and fighting of stray Grievers. A Griever came into our path in front of Tom with a boy in its clutch. The boy was furiously stabbing the thing with his stick. Tom dodged to the left running around it I followed him. Then I heard a throat-scorching shriek meaning the Glader had lost the fight. 

I hate this! Why can't we fight back! I tried not to scream it in his head. 

 "I know!" he shouted back aloud. Someone bumped into me as they ran past. I turned around and stabbed the Griever still running after Tom pulling Chuck along. More Grievers came at us and more Gladers helped fighting of the Grievers and helping us get to the Griever Hole. The Cliff was so close now Tom ran harder I ran after him clutching on Chuck's arm pulling him along. Tom skidded to a stop I bumped into him as I grabbed Chuck to stop him. I looked around the hole and spotted the vines that Minho and the other Runners left hanging in thin air. 

"You first, Caitlin," I didn't hesitate I nodded as I got ready to jump into the small square of space. I stiffened my arms and legs as I went past the space. 

A line of icy cold shot across my skin as I entered the Hole. 

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