Chapter Six The Slammer

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I turned around and saw Alby, Newt and two other Gladers behind me. 

 "Come on Greenie, time to go." Alby said. The two boys behind Alby (Billy and Jackson, I think) grabbed my arms and dragged me towards the Slammer. I didn't struggle I just let them take me. 

They took me behind this tall, old rundown building I guessed it was where they slept. I looked up and saw a small stone building in the ground with only a small chair inside it. 

The boys pushed me in it and locked the door behind me. I watched as they walked away. I went over to the only chair and tried the telepathic thing with Tom again. 

I'm bored, wanna talk? Tom didn't reply so I thought it didn't work but then I heard very faintly but I heard it. 

  Can you hear me? I smiled. He was still the same. 

  Yeah, very faintly but you'll get the hang of it. I replied. 

  So tell me more about what we were before. Tom said. 

Well Tom, we helped make this Maze. We helped put all these people in this mess. I replied. But before Tom could answer I heard it. An eerie moan coming from deep inside the maze. 

The night has begun Tom said faintly.


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