Chapter Two The Med-Jack

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"Hey Clint," Newt said walking into the girl's room and taking a seat on the bed. I nodded in a response. 

"How's she going?" New asked. 

 "She's ok, just sleeping." I replied. He nodded I watched him closely he comes by before the doors close every day and I just love the way he looks at the girl. In a sort of lovey-dovey way but I would never tell anyone that. 

 "She's bloody beautiful, isn't she?" I was taken aback by this question I didn't know how to answer. 

 "Yeah, she is..." I muttered not sure what else the say. Then all of a sudden Newt was off the bed and grabbing my shirt collar. 

 "You don't let anyone touch her ok?" He asked me looking back at the girl on the bed. I nodded quickly not wanting Newt to get aggressive. 

"Take care of her." He mumbled as he walked out of the room slowly closing the door behind him. I grabbed a chair from nearby and grabbed a notebook and pen as I watched her sleep. Writing down some notes. Someone banged the door open I looked up it was Chuck. 

 "Alby's been stung!" Chuck said breathless. I got up quickly took a quick look at the girl and ran out the room looking for Alby. 

"I'" Chuck breathed as I ran.


I'm sorry i had no idea what else to add to this chapter.

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