Vaguely, I hear the phone ring over the rustling of sheets and our panting as we fight for oxygen between deep kisses. The noise failing to properly register in my racing mind, I reach for the top drawer in the bedside table, our lips breaking auction momentarily with a sensual smack. Instantly, I press them together again, groping blindly for the goods with one hand while pushing my tongue into his mouth.

"The phone," Misha breathes, but I cut him off by placing a wrapped condom between his teeth and sitting upright so that I'm straddling his waist. He stares up at me with wide eyes and I chuckle, leaning down to kiss the tip of his delicately-sloped nose.

"Your turn," I grin playfully.

"You sure?"

"Mhmmm," I whisper, swooping down again to attack his neck with hungry lips, feeling Misha shiver with anticipation beneath me. He smiles sheepishly and I roll over onto my back, pulling him on top of me.

Once more, the phone rings shrilly throughout the house, and this time I growl in acknowledgement.

"You should get that," Misha sighs, partly from irritation and partly from pleasure as I suck intensely at the skin just below his collarbone. "Could be important...ah."

"Better be," I grouse, propping myself up on my forearms to give him a last, lingering kiss on his reddened lips.

I take a second to appreciate his unruly hair, dark against the white sheets, the flush in his cheeks, the hungry gleam in his eyes. "One second while I shut whoever it is down hard," I whisper conspiratorially while shimmying out from under him.

I run a hand through my hair in a futile attempt to tame it, all the while marvelling at myself. Misha has ruined me. He's made me into a hopeless horn-dog, I swear; I can't seem to go a day without wanting to tap that fine specimen.

"So fucking gorgeous," I mutter to myself as I walk away.

I fly down the stairs and scoop the phone out of its cradle on the final ring with a breathy, "hey."

"Hey, babe," Dani's voice greets me on the other end. I pad over to the kitchen and gather the discarded garments in front of the fridge with my free arm. As good as I think Misha's clothing looks on my floor, it would be just a little bit difficult to explain that to everyone else. "I just wanted to remind you that we have the last prenatal checkup with Doctor Ajith today. Don't forget."

"I could never," I murmur fondly, heart instantly swelling at the prospect. "I'll meet you there then?"

"Yeah, I'm heading straight over after Macy's. We're having a great time, even though I can't drink anything," she pouts. "You should've joined us."

"Next time."

"Oh, and has Misha picked up that anti-inflammatory cream yet? My feet are killing me."

Dani's ankles have started swelling with her pregnancy, and yet she insists on wearing shoes that look more like death contraptions than proper, comfortable footwear. That's one thing I'll never understand about women.

"Not sure," I sigh noncommittally. "I don't think so."

"Okay, well, tell him he can pick the prescription up at the pharmacy in the plaza when he goes to get the groceries for dinner."

"Of course."

"Also, I was kind of hoping we could host dinner in the pool room this evening, after the appointment. I want to celebrate the babies."

That's When We Uncover [Jensen Ackles + Misha Collins | Cockles | mxm]Where stories live. Discover now