"Dyke City," he said, nodding. "That's the rumor, anyway."

Scarlet wished her friends wouldn't use that word. Every time they did it was like a stab straight through her heart, forcing her deeper and deeper into herself. She couldn't really trust them, could she? Were they really even her friends then?

"It's crazy when you think about it," Hannah said. "She was pretty popular last year, captain and star athlete of the track team, and then bam. She got caught making out with some girl in the locker room, and we finally see her true colors. She quits the track team, starts doing drugs, barely shows up to class..."

Scarlet had heard about Wolf quitting the track team from Hunter. It was a big deal because Deep Wood High School was terrible at everything—including sports. The track team actually had a chance to go somewhere with Wolf on it, so when she left it turned her into an even bigger villain. Scarlet hadn't heard about the getting caught making out with a girl part.

"Someone told me she's related to the Grecos," Mike said excitedly. "But I think that's bullshit, she's way too tall. Definitely doesn't look Italian."

"There's no mafia in Idaho, idiot," Scarlet muttered. "Especially not Deep Wood, Idaho."

Mike shrugged and began shoveling mac and cheese into his mouth. "Wah-evah."

Hannah leaned in close, her bright brown eyes flickering around the cafeteria as if someone cared enough to listen in on their conversation. "I heard Wolf was in rehab for alcoholism this past summer. I also heard she was responsible for lighting that trash can on fire during the school's Spring Formal last year, and for drowning a bunch of rabbits this past Halloween as a part of some pagan witch ritual to kill her ex-girlfriend."

Great, Scarlet thought, a deranged psychopath knows my deep dark secret and has the power to ruin my life, and my girlfriend's life. Perfect.

"Speaking of school dances," Mike cut in, waggling his brows at Scarlet. "Who are you going to the Winter Formal with? Anyone ask you out yet?

Scarlet bit her lip. She looked across the cafeteria to the senior section, where Hunter was eating lunch with her friends at their usual table. She was sitting next to Logan, who had his arm around her waist. They all laughed at something Hunter had said. Logan leaned over and kissed Hunter on the cheek, and she gave him a surprised look before smiling warmly at him.

Scarlet felt her stomach flip, her spirit fall.

Mike and Hannah followed their friend's gaze to Hunter's table and Hannah shook her head slowly.

"Oh Scar," she said, reaching over to put her hand over Scarlet's. "I know you like Logan but he's been dating Hunter for months and... well it's Jacqueline Hunter." Hannah's expression was filled with pity for her friend.

Scarlet frowned. "Yeah I know Hunter is hotter than me, thanks for that."

Hannah chuckled. "That's not what I meant. You know Logan. He's a Carter. Jacqueline is a Hunter. They're meant to be together purely based on pedigree. They will have beautiful blue-eyed babies and—"

"I have to go," Scarlet said, abruptly standing up and picking up her barely touched food tray.

"Aw come on, Scar I was just joking," Hannah said, pouting. "You don't have to go. Hey, maybe they'll break up!"

Scarlet shook her head. "I... no it's not that, I'm just not hungry." She glanced over at Hunter's table again. Logan and Hunter were still sitting closely together, no distance between them at all.

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