Prepare for Trouble, Make it Double

Start from the beginning

Kari walks pass me, I follow her through the hallway. "True, but don't you want to make sure that we don't say the same thing?"

"Half of what comes out your mouth is stupid, so I really have nothing to worry about."

I roll my eyes, "Very funny, look if you don't want to work together I get it. I'm going to Starbucks to start working on my part, stop by if you change your mind."


"Were you and Kari ever an item?" I nearly spit out my coffee, I look at Cappy. She doesn't seem too happy.

"What? No no, Kari and I never went out. Are you asking me that because of the picture?"

Cappy stares at her coffee cup, "Well, it intrigued me because you said that you two were rivals and hardly got along. But that picture proved otherwise."

"That picture was taken on graduation day. There was an after party in the auditorium and everyone was taking pictures together. Eventually her and I took one together. But if I'm gonna really be honest, I took the picture with her because I felt sorry for her."

Cappy furrows her brows, "Why?"

"In Rivet Town she didn't have much friends. She tend to keep to herself, not interacting with many people. And she was known to have a bad attitude."

Cappy looks up at the ceiling, thinking to herself.

Cappy says "I saw her the other day sitting alone and I wondered why she was alone. Now it makes sense."

"Does she have friends?" I shrug my shoulders, to be honest, I really don't know.

"You know, we have two extra tickets for the dinner cruise this Tuesday. We should invite her."

I furrow my brows. "Who's gonna be her date? At the dinner it will be Loretta and Fender, Piper and Crank, and you and I. Yes we have two extra tickets but she'll need a date. I just told you that she has a bad attitude. What man will put up with that?" I take a sip of my coffee.

Cappy smirks before taking a sip of her drink, "I think I have the perfect guy." I give her a skeptical look, "Who is this man?"

She leans in, "Phineas should be able to handle her."

I widened my eyes, "Are you serious? Those two only have one thing in common, they have a bad attitude!"

Cappy laughs, "Isn't that enough, besides, opposite attracts."

I'm still in shock, "You're kidding right?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "You're not giving them enough credit." I widened my eyes, she's not kidding.

"First off, I don't think Kari would like to come. Second, if she did say yes, I doubt she would want to be paired up with Ratchet." I tell Cappy, she decides to counter my argument.

"She won't have a choice, she will need a date to come with us. If not, she will be the only one at the table without a date." She's right.

"It would be awkward if she came alone. Should I invite her?" I ask Cappy, she shakes her head. "I think you should, but in the end it's your choice."

I ponder to myself whether or not I should invite her. I think of the pro's and con's.

Pro, Kari will be happy. Con, I will have to deal with Ratchet for the night. Pro, the two of them can actually be a good couple if the odds are in their favor. Con, the odds are not in their favor and I will have to deal with the consequences.

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