6 • dead

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He took me by my arm and we were out of the strange party, back outside to the gushing winds and storming sky, which shined a bright blue that reminded me of William's eyes.

I want to die.

"You see how the weather does not affect me in the slightest, Serenity?" He asked with a soft laugh as I struggled to walk through it all.

"I want to die. Why won't you let me?" I ask as rain droplets rapidly flood my eyes quicker than my tears.

"You are already dead. You are just lost. And I'm here to guide you. Now darling close those eyes!" He laughed, stopping in front of me and placing both his hands on my shoulders.

I sniff and stop, shutting my eyes tightly, genuinely confused.

"This wind and rain and storm that the living call a calamity. You must recognize the beauty. Acknowledge the mess it has made of your state of mind as a lovely design." His hands brush my hair away from my face.

"I..." My mouth parts to speak but, no words cone out.

"And the cold that burns through your heart. The numbing of your chest, the chill of your breasts...and all the rest. They're being put to the test.." His cold hands touch my chest and move down to my waist where he grips me tight to keep me in place from the storm that sways me.

I am inert with him for many moments, it is very quiet and I forget he is with me, until he speaks.

"Can you hear the storm?" He asks softly.

I shake my head slowly and he moves his hands from my waist:

"You can open your eyes now."

I comply, and open my eyes, only to have them widen as I glance around to see none of the rapid rainfall, calamitous wind or brooding stormy sky that I had seen just moments ago.

I look down at my clothes, expecting them to be drenched, but they were not. Was this some kind of illusion? Trance state of mind?

Next, my eyes meet his own, which were staring directly at me. A small smile curls up my lips. I don't know why.

"Thank you." I laugh lightly.

"Yes." He smiles nervously, before taking my arm again and leading me back to where he lived.

Once we were inside, he shut the door behind him and I glanced around at the odd walls and the photos that were hung in the peeling wallpaper which were blurred by dust.

I took a few steps to get a closer look at one of a family, but the faces were dusty and unrecognizable.

I brush my thumb to clean away the dust of the painting, but before I can finish, he has my entire body turned around and his eyes are narrowed and much more colder than they were before. His hands grip my wrists tightly:


"Sorry, I just-"

"It's okay." His grip tightens on my wrists and he smiles widely.

"Can you not do that please...you're always hurting me." I look at him angrily and speak through gritted teeth as I hold back a whimper in pain.

"I do it on purpose, Serenity. It is not because I hate you...y-you know I love you..." He buries his face into my shoulder as he speaks. The grip becomes more painful.

Heavenly Holmes • Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now