Chapter Three: The Hard Way

Start from the beginning

His eyes gazed at the mismatched socks on his feet.  One was plain green and the other was striped purple and white.  This brought an irresolute smile to his face, he still had at least an ounce of his own identity.


The noise brought his attention to the metal vault-like door.  It screeched against the floor as it opened.  "Good evening, Doctor.  I brought you some food.  Maybe you will eat it this time."

Spencer didn't respond.

"Please don't give me the silent treatment, Spencer.  It's quite childish and rude." The door closed behind the new arrival.  "On the contrary, I was hoping you could tell me another story."

"Why?" Spencer played with a loose end of the bandages adorning his stomach.

"Are you asking me why I want you to tell me another story, or why you are here?  Be more specific, you're so hard to talk to," the newcomer placed a tray on the wooden chair.

"Why--" he cleared his throat, "Why am I here?"

The man threw his head back in hefty laughter.

"I was honestly hoping you would say that," he said when he finished laughing.

"The truth is, Doctor Reid," he moved in closer to the young genius with every word, "I've been watching you for some time now. I find your work...exhilarating."  He reached out a hand to brush away loose strands of hair from the younger's face.

Spencer flinched and kicked him between the knees.  As the man doubled over, he raced to the door, grabbed the handle, and pulled.

It wouldn't budge.

"No. No no no no," he muttered under his breath.

He glanced back and saw his captor already recovering from the blow.  He desperately pounded his fist on the door, "Help!"

In the back of his mind, he knew no one would hear.  But that thought was pushed back by the sheer panic coursing throughout his body.

Thud, thud, thud!  "Help me!"

Hands grabbed his shoulders and pulled him roughly to the ground. He lay flat on his back, sucking in the air that was knocked out of his lungs.  The bandages around his stomach were loosened, and bright red seeped through to the top layer.

"For a genius, you are really stupid," the man spat down at him from his standing position.  He leaned over Spencer, placing his foot on the sensitive area on his abdomen.

Spencer grimaced, "Don't."

He pressed his foot down, earning a pained gasp from the unlucky doctor below.

"G-get off!" Spencer grunted and grabbed the man's ankle, attempting to pry it off.  This only caused him to push down harder, eliciting a scream from the boy.  Spencer weakly punched his leg with clenched fists.

"Please, get off.  I ca-can't breathe."

After a moments consideration, he removed the weight from Spencer's stomach.

"I didn't want to hurt you," he said as he crouched down to look the doctor in the eyes, "I had to teach you a lesson."

Spencer took deep breaths and nodded tepidly.  "I'm sorry," he barely managed to answer in a whisper.

"I'm afraid that isn't enough."

Spencer felt his heart pound faster, "I don't understand."

The man stood and straightened to his full height, "That is discouraging."  He bent down and picked up his battered captee's arms, dragging him over to the neglected chair.

"No, no no no," he cried silently, "Please, not again."  He was roughly hoisted into the seat.


His wrists were handcuffed in front of him, and his ankles chained to the legs of the chair.  He let his head fall forward and a sob rip forward from his throat.

"Stop blubbering, I'll be right back," the man said before departing.

True to his word, he returned in less than three minutes. What he held in his hand made Spencer freeze.

A gun.  A government issued model.

This creep is working for the bureau, Spencer angrily thought.


He looked up, the man had it pointed at him.  "You need to learn things the hard way, don't you?"

Spencer shook his head, "No, I'm sorry.  Don't--"

A shot rang out and everything faded into darkness.

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