3 - Chieftess Luneah

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The man entered the room, kneeling before the Chief and bowing his head. "Chief. You asked for me?"

There was a long pause before the silence was finally broken.

"Eret. I want you at the front with Astrid when the Elites come from Isunder. These last few months, ever since you came to my island, you have become a trusted advisor and I assure you will do well; please negotiate in the best interests of Berk."

Eret smiled. The plan was coming together. "Of course, Chief Stoick. It would be an honor." He pushed off the ground, his head still bowed as he stood up. "Anything else, sir?"

"No, Eret. You're dismissed."


Astrid had decided she didn't like the Elites.


Not one single bit.

As soon as they landed in their cool-ass-positions and took off their hoods in the same cool-ass-way (except the chief, for some reason), she decided she didn't want anything to do with them. Then, she realized she had to negotiate with them, for the sake of her entire island.

There was something familiar about the man in the black cape. Possibly the way he stood, with his posture fairly straight with his chin slightly downwards. The only skin she could see were his hands, which were a callous mess, and his face was covered by a dark mask and the hood of the cape. Later on, Astrid noticed his cape was made of Night Fury scales. So sure, that may be just a little bit cool—but Astrid still hated the Elites with a burning passion.

Astrid especially disliked that short-brown-haired chick. Luneah, her name was. Astrid didn't know why, but she hated the Chieftess. And her stupid blue dragon scale cape and her wide brown eyes and her silky hair and—

The man with the spiky blonde hair and the dark red armor seemed friendly. Although his associates seemed to continuously have a straight face, he sometimes let a smile leak past his lips, and his eyes were bright with curiosity. With every passing second his posture grew taller. Astrid soon realized just how gigantic he was. Although he was lanky and thin he was taller than Chief Hayden and Fishlegs, who both stood at just over six feet.

The two other women with the spears didn't let a single emotion leak past their face. They both kept their faces still, and occasionally looked around as the women villagers gawked at their armor and capes.

The one with the brown hair occasionally blew the bangs out of her eyes in boredom. She would constantly be in movement even in the slightest way: shifting her balance, twirling her fingers, twitching her cheek into a sharp and dangerous grin.

The lady with the golden blonde hair looked a lot like Astrid herself. But where Astrid's face was rounded by her youth, this woman's face was sculpted. Sharp cheekbones highlighted her bright blue eyes and shaggy blonde hair framed her entire face. This Elite let her hair down entirely, unlike the other two female Elites who tied their hair back in simple low ponytails.

Whoever this blonde-haired Valkyrie was, she knew of her good looks. And flaunted it proudly.

As the woman finished talking, Astrid stepped forward. "Hello, Chieftess. I'm Astrid Hofferson, future Chieftess of Berk and I direct any travelers. I'll be dealing with any of your requests."

Eret stepped forward with a knowing smirk. "I'm Eret, son of Eret. I come from lands far away, and I will be assisting Astrid."

Luneah nodded to Eret cordially before turning directly to Astrid. "I can tell you have a sort of problem with me."

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