A Ride from Hell

718 22 27

It shook me to my core;

The buttons had been pushed;

I clam up, thinking, expecting the worst;

Anxiety rising, fear oozing from my every pore

I can barely breathe;

The walls closing in, the urge to run overcoming me;

Please oh please end my misery;

Let me out of here, I think, while grinding my teeth

I fight the urge to run;

My window of opportunity now gone, the countdown begins;

Panicked, I close my eyes;

I know people are watching, thinking I’m spun

No one understands this;

They’re all so normal;

I reach my destination;

Control still not back, everything still amiss

Everything within reason, but nothing rational, my fear is my captor;

Next time I will take the stairs;

But I know what will ensue;

I’ll give in, like always and find myself, once again, in that damn elevator.

Purges from the Soul...  A CollectionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin