Jimin pov

I plead with my eyes at the stranger in front of me who's head is lowered so he cannot see me. From the corner of my eye i can see Jungkook stand up from his seat and my heart drops in place, beating constantly like if i were losing my life but i can't run because Taehyung has me pinned against the couch. Soon Jungkook bends down in front of me....Staring so concentrated at me! We both didn't say a word to each other however it feels like there's a volcano erupting just by us staring at each other. It just shows i did wrong back then...Jungkook may look beautiful and handsome but he and I are from different worlds. I am not a match for him and he is not a match for me, I believe in kindness and he is merciless, A long lasting relationship matters to me and he loves to play around, He's loved by many people and I....am bullied. What occurred me to fall for him in the first place? Love at first sight? No...

" Jimin..." His voice is now lowered and unyielding. " Let me help you with your friend... promise i won't do anything and  I just want a small talk...another small talk. Please Jimin?" His entreats me, his eyes softening and looking less devilishly but this might be just another way of his slick manipulation. I refuse to fall for it again! 

" I-I prefer the other boy over there t-to help me..." Jungkook doesn't move probably because he can't hear me through the discomforting music so instead I attempt to lift Taehyung by myself only to end up unsuccessful. 

" Aish." Jungkook groans, lacing his arms around Taehyung's waist and helping me lift him. He manages to swing him over his shoulders before trooping down the hall. I wish not to be anywhere near this boy but for the sake of Taehyung I remove myself from the seat and tread after him, trying not be noticed. Jungkook enters this dark room with my friend, opening the door with his feet as he enters. I follow after him again, basically my worst resolution. Peeking inside the room watching my friend gently placed on the bed Jungkook swiftly turns to look at me like a lion noticing the big piece of meat in front of him. This rather startling action of his makes me flinch enough to actually force my legs to step away. Out the door i run away into the un-open, the people averting my escape. "Jimin! For fucks sakes!!!" Jungkook grips my wrist pushing my small body towards him, my back on his firm chest. He leans down to my hair, his lips lightly brushing against my earlobe engendering this hot feeling on my cheeks and my insides. It feels like i have been shocked with electricity straight to my heart. His breath tickles me lightly prompting a halt on my breathing and rebellious actions against him. My stomach shakes with butterflies and my heart beats softly. " Jimin please...I don't know what i did to make you dislike me so much, all i want is just one more chance to speak to you please." What sounds like a  sincere voice travels through my head my mind making me more opened minded about my resolution  of not letting myself get manipulated. 

His hard grip releases my wrist and softly like an actual gentleman and a human being, he rotates me to face him. With one finger he lifts my head from the chin and I stared into his eyes. " Please Jimin..? I swear I mean no harm." I listen to him already. I can't believe how easily he can gain my attention again, This dead heart beats at his touch and my body becomes so eager to obey him, This little hope that I know will burst settles in my thoughts, but no. I know we are from different worlds...I am better than this, I shouldn't let him easily suck me into this hole again. Why would he take so much notice to someone so un attractive like me? Yes i have gotten rid of my glasses, I wear more fashionable clothes, my attitude slightly changed, but have i changed so much to the point he doesn't see me as the ugly trash i was back then?...I mean i still have the same face, same shyness, same eyes, same weakness, and the same lips that he softly pecked that day. 

My head almost nods without me really wanting to but Jungkook smiles at me. It was meant to look sweet and assuring but to me it wasn't serious. He's not serious for me. 

" Jungkook," I start removing his hands away from my body. " I already told you not to come near me again. I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to talk with you, I don't want you anywhere near me so please....Stop looking for me." I warn him with a mild sternness in my voice, I also make sure to add in an intense glare to assure him that I'm very serious.  

" No! I will not." He insist." I can't just not talk to you because I'm very interested in you, and you're pushing me away for a reason or misunderstanding. At least please explain, talk to me why you're treating me this way!" 

" J-Jungkook...You will never know why I'm like this to you unless you reflect back to your pass and my decision is final, please respect it."

" I object. What do i have to look for?!" Jungkook's voice raises more higher the more irritated he gets. I am honestly scared cause I haven't seen his glare before, I mostly see this smug smirk that he always seems to have but never angry. " you're  a very confusing! You know! Why don't just talk to me for this one moment. Explain to me." 

" Jesus jungkook, why don't you understand I don't want to talk!" I raise my voice this time without stuttering or hesitation. He is getting on my nerves now, We're like a couple in an argument and he's too damn persistent! What's his new obsession with talking with me.

" You know what? Go fuck yourself, What the hell am I doing chasing after a worthless trash like you." Jungkook impaled me with solid ice into my chest. His words are so harsh I can't seem to handle or malfunction correctly. My body freezes almost too instantly as I listen to him. He angrily storms away not forgetting to bump onto my shoulder. Slowly i rotate to watch him leave...My eyes stinging with threatening tears that I shouldn't even be shedding for someone like him but It hurts too much! Why does it hurt so much? I've heard much worse from the girls at my school so why does that leave me breathless? And my knees are shaking...

People have started to stare and point at me, too many attention for my taste and it's not a positive one so I just stand back up and saunter my way back to where Taehyung lays.  I sit at the edge of the bed, curl myself on top of his warmth with my head on his chest listening to his steady heart beating as I start to cry without him or anyone hearing me. 


1) If you could have changed one thing about this story, What would it be?

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Ummmmmm......recently while working on this chapter I have seen some huge improvement on the views and votes of this story which is very SHOCKING!!! Like I don't even know how to describe how surprised I am  nor how thankful I am to you 'chicken tenders and potatoes'~ (Limelizzie)  Like wow Thank you so muchhhhhhhh~~~~~ I love you all!!! >.<

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