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One thing that surprised me was how Niall was comfortable with being physically close to me. This surprised me because one, I'm a murder, and two, we were basically strangers.

But, these things didn't faze Niall at all. No, the pretty boy was completely fine with me keeping my arms around him as we rode the horse for hours on end.

When we stopped to make camp, it was nighttime and we were halfway to Falkreath. Niall quietly sat on a log, observing me as I set up a tent and started a campfire. He didn't seem to mind much when I sat down next to him, either; we sat there for a while before I laid down and patted the ground next to me. The boy accepted my invitation and laid down beside me. Staring at the stars, I thought about Niall and how I was ever going to convince my family not to hate Niall.

Niall's mind seemed to be in a different place, because he looked at me and said, "So tell me about yourself."

"Well," I propped up my head on my hand and looked at him. He was absolutely beautiful, still lying on his back and looking up at me expectantly. "My name is Liam. I'm a murder."

"Yeah, I kind of figured," Niall retorted. "I mean actually tell me things about yourself. Like what you enjoy doing."

"I enjoy plunging my lovely enchanted daedric dagger into people's backs while they're asleep."

Niall scooted away slowly in response.

"I'm just kidding. It's okay, I guess. Um, I'm one-fourth Redguard and the rest is all Nord," I told him. "I really love alchemy and daggers."

"Oh," Niall nodded his head and scooched back to me, but closer than where he was before, I noticed. "You got a girl back at your home?"

"A... A girl?" I laughed, not able to help it. "Honey, I'm gay. I'm surprised you couldn't tell when I informed you that you're adorable."

His cheeks flushed. "I'm nineteen, you know."

"Oh, I know," I told him. "The Dark Brotherhood knows a lot about you. For instance, you're one-hundred percent Imperial, your favorite food is beef soup, you're gay, and you moved to Skyrim in fear of another Oblivion Crisis."

"That's... slightly creepy," he laughed lightly, and I decided I wanted to make him laugh more often. "But yeah. It's all true."

He pursed his lips and paused for a second. "How are we going to convince your... family... not to kill me?"

"Well," I smiled slightly. "I was thinking we could say you're my boyfriend."

"What?" Niall jumped, surprised. "M- Me? With you?"

"Of course, babe," I smiled again, liking the reaction I got. "What do you say?"

Sighing, he nodded his head. "Yeah."

Everything about him was tempting me at that moment; his pink lips especially, but I knew I shouldn't kiss him because we'd just me and all of this was extremely crazy. I mean, who actually just goes with some guy that was about to kill them to some place with a bunch of crazy people? Except Niall, of course. 

"I can't believe I'm doing this," he told me. "I can't believe I'm pretending to be a murderer's boyfriend so his family doesn't kill me."

"Neither can I," I replied, still tempted by his lips. For a while we just sat in silence, before Niall spoke up.

"I'm bored. Tell me a secret."

"A secret?" I trailed off. "I kissed a girl once."

His eyes widened. "Ew. How was it?"

(Skyrim/Niam) Framedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें