bye bye adrien

36 3 3

Riley was kissing me

Holy fucking shit

Is this actually happening? Is this a fucking dream?

If it wasn't a dream, I wouldn't know what the fuck I would do

What seem like forever, she pulled away and placed her forehead against mine

I was a blushing mess

"... I-i'm sorry Ethan... I love you too but... I-i can't do this with you if Adrien continues being here..." Riley mumbles

I felt a bit of pain in my heart, but I knew she was right. With Adrien here, he'll never leave her alone to be honest

"You know... You could just leave him..." I mumbled

She sighs "It's not that simple... He just won't leave me alone... No matter how much I say that me and him are over... He will attempt in some kind of way on making me stay..."

I was thinking for a bit, all she said was right. That's when an idea appeared in my head

"... You could tell your mom all about this... All about how he's hurting you... I'm pretty sure she will send him to jail" her eyes widen

"After all that has happened... I'm pretty sure she wouldn't let him touch you like that anymore... He will be in jail for a long time..."

It was silent for a couple of minutes, but than I saw a small smile form on her lips

"Thank you..." She whispered and she gave me a quick kiss

My knees felt weak because holy shit, that was not expected. She giggled at my reaction and left the roof

I smiled to myself, this isn't a dream, this was reality

This was actually happening...

Bye bye Adrien... I have my Riley back

As you can tell, this chapter was rushed lmao

I wanted to end this story soon, besides, this story has gone on long enough

I wanted to make Tyson's story, yes the gay cousin lmao

For the apology of this quick short chapter

I'll make the Epilogue rn and post it

This is sadly the end of Riley's and Ethan's story

Words: 349

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