The Mountain

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Scene 9


When the sun shined, all the Dwarves were ready to go.

"You do know we're one short." Bilbo said, running up to Thorin and I. "Where's Bofur?"

"If he's not here, we leave him behind," Thorin answered, looking back to see if I was there.

"We'll have to. If we're to find the door before nightfall, we can risk no more delays." Balin said to Thorin.

Thorin helped me onto the boat. Dwarf by dwarf we were all on besides Bofur. Thorin stopped Kili. He was hurt and would only slow us down. Thorin wanted Kili to stay, to rest and heal. Oin got out of the boat to stay with Kili. Fili jumped out of the boat and stayed with his brother. With Bofur, Oin, Fili, and Kili gone we were only 11. Music played and we're set off.

Thorin stood at the front end of the boat. While I sat at his feet, holding onto his leg.


When we made it to shore, we had to move fast. Going over rough terrain. Finally, we made it to the edge of a cliff, where you could see the dead city of Dale. It was the overlook of Dale.

"What is this place?" Bilbo questioned out of breath.

"It once was the city of Dale. Now it is a ruin. The Desolation of Smaug." Balin told Bilbo in sorrow and painfilled voice.

"The sun will soon reach mid-day. We must find the hidden door into the mountain before it sets. This way." Thorin says.

The rest of us followed Thorin.


We make it the foot of the mountain, where we were looking for a way up. But nothing was showing up. Thorin looked at a map. Excitement gleamed in his eyes. I smiled at how happy he was. Then we heard Bilbo shout.

"Up here!" He shouted.

We all ran over to him. Only to see a zigzag staircase that lead up the mountain. Thorin made me walk in front of him, so I wouldn't fall. His hand would find its way on some part of me. We finally made it to the wall where the door was supposed to be. Thorin was so happy to see it.

"Let all those who doubted us rue this day!" Thorin announced, holding the key up.

We all cheered in happiness. All of us set down our weapons while Nori and Dwalin hot the wall, trying to find the key-hole. The sun was going down. They couldn't find it. We tried to break the door down, but it was no good. The sun was gone. Thorin ran to the wall and took out his map.

"The last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the key-hole. That is what it says." Thorin sounded so broken. "What did we miss?"

I hung my head, sad about the way things turned out. The others gave up, gathered their stuff, and started to climb down.

"You can't give up now!" Bilbo shouted at them.

Thorin dropped the key and gave the map to Bilbo.

"Thorin!" I shouted, but he did not listen.

Him and the others left. Bilbo and I stood there.

"We didn't miss something." I assured him.

Bilbo looked at me with deep brown eyes. We both weren't going to give up.

I leaned against the wall while Bilbo ran through what the map said.

"Stand by the gray stone..." He says.

"Yes, you've said that about 20 plus times now." I sassed.

Bilbo ignored me. "When the thrush knocks. The setting sun and the last light of Durin's Day will shine."

I stood straight. "The last light..." I whispered. "That wouldn't the sun, would it?" I questioned him.

We both looked up and the moon. Wind blew and there was a knock. A bird was hit a nut on the stone. Bilbo and I watched the bird suddenly the stone was glowing.

"The moon." We both said.

Bilbo was all excited that we solved the puzzle. "Come back!" He yelled. "The last light, the last moon of autumn!" Then looks at me. "Where's the key?"

I shrugged. "Don't ask me. I'm not the one who dropped it."

Bilbo was pacing around, looking for the key, talking to himself. Then his big feet kicked something, the key. It went flying across and over the cliff. That's when Thorin came back and stomped on the string of the key before it fell completely down.

"Thorin!" I giggled as he bent down and grabbed the key.

The Dwarves were back. Thorin smiled at the key. I smiled at him. He walked over to the stone and entered the key in the key-hole. Then he stopped.

"Hėlla." Thorin said.

I hopped over to him. "Yes, my Dorzada?"

He grabbed my hand and placed on the key along with his. Together we turned the key until we heard a thump. Thorin then pushed on the wall until it opened. He looked so happy. We all did. Even the ones that never been here before.

"Thorin." I breathed.

He looked down at me and hugged me as tight as ever. Then we walked into the mountain together.

"I know these walls." Thorin said, running his hand over the stone wall. "These halls. This stone. You remember it Balin? Chambers filled with golden light."

Balin walked in with tears in his eyes. "I remember."

I hugged Thorin as Nori read the runes above the door. I was so happy for Thorin. We listened to Bilbo ask stupid questions.

"What is that?" He asked, pointing at the Arkenstone. "And what is that?"

Thorin looked up at Bilbo. "That is why you are here."

Bilbo looked terrified. There was nothing to do, but wait for Bilbo to fund the Arkenstone. Balin took him to the entrance of they held all the gold. Before Bilbo went it, I ran to him and Balin. Attacking him in a hug.

"Goodluck." I whispered.

"Thank you Hėlla." Bilbo replied back.

I let him go and Bilbo went down some stairs.

"Oh, Bilbo." Balin said, stopping Bilbo. "If there is, in fact, a live dragon down there... don't waken it."

Balin and I left Bilbo. We were walking back to the others.

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