Hang On

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Scene 3


We left Rivendell before the sun was in the sky. We left without Gandalf. That was the plan, I guess.

"Be on your guard. We're about to step over the edge of the wild" Thorin said, stepping aside. "Balin, you know these paths. Lead on."

I was walking behind Bilbo when he stopped and took a good look at Rivendell. I rolled my eyes and passed him.

"Master Baggins, I suggest you keep up," Thorin said to Bilbo.

I passed Thorin, but he walked close to me.

"Hėlla, if you would like to stay, you can turn around now."

I could tell that me being here made him annoyed.

"No, I'd like to stay with you. A girl needs an adventure too, Thorin." I replied, shouting behind me.


We walked through grasslands into the snowy top mountains. On the walk, the dwarves talked to me. All besides Thorin. I get a vibe that he doesn't really like me...

In the mountains, it started to storm. Thunder pounded down like Thor's hammer. Lightning struck the mountain tops. The rain made the rocks slippery and difficult to walk on. Bilbo almost fell over because of the rain. Gloin and I helped pull him back.

Suddenly, Dwalin yells. "Look out!"

A huge bolder flies through from the fog and mist, hitting the rock above us. Everyone covered their heads as the rock fell down into the pit of darkness, below.

"This is no thunderstorm," Balin informs us. "It's a thunder-battle!"

And well enough, there were giant rock men throwing rocks at each other like children. Stone-Giants were fighting and we were in the middle of it all. That's not the worst part. The rocks we were standing on... started to move. A Stone-Giant got up and started swinging us around. Of course, we all were screaming. It was so difficult to hold on with all the tossing and turning the Giant was doing. The giant I was on lost his head. He knelt down and fell. We all flew onto another ledge. The others made it on the ledge. I wasn't so lucky. I was holding on the edge. The slipperiness made it hard to pull myself up. I couldn't. The other dwarves ran over to make sure we were okay. I was beginning to think they weren't going to notice I was gone. But Bofur did.

"Where's Hėlla? Where's the lady Dwarf?" Bofur frantically questioned.

I slipped and screamed, but my hand caught a hole in the wall. The others must have heard because they all were yelling 'grab my hand.' I would have, but couldn't. My arms were too short to reach them.

Suddenly Thorin swung down and grabbed me. He saved my life. Dwalin had to save Thorin before he fell. Bofur grabbed me and held me tight.

"I thought we'd lost our newest member," Bofur said.

"She's been lost ever since she left home." Thorin coldly said, looking back at me. "She should never have come. She has no place amongst us."

Thorin was right. I was kicked out of my own home. I had nowhere to go. I didn't know what to do. Maybe I'm not a dwarf. I was always told I didn't look like one.

"It's alright." Bofur sweetly told me.

I wiped the stray tear from my face and followed him into a cave. I'm not going to give up because a mean dwarf said things. Thorin is going to like it rather he wants to or not.

When Thorin sat down, I sat down with him.

"Thank you." I softly said, looking at him. "For saving me. I owe you my life, I guess."

Don't Go Thorin Oakenshield Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora