Ch. 30 - Weenie Freshman

Start from the beginning

I frown, knowing that I'd be just as upset as she is. I mean, the whole point of a diary is to be personal and real, not holding anything back. Not that I had much of a social life, but if I did and my diary was posted for everyone to see, I'd be mortified. "I'm so sorry, Addison. Did you try to report the account?"

"Yeah," she sighs. "Nothing happened."

"Did you at least beat the shit out of Brianna?" Elliott asks hopefully.

Addison shakes her head. "No, brother. I avoided that confrontation because I don't want to further tarnish my reputation by nearly killing her."

"Well, you have to beat up Jonas," Elliott says. "I give you permission."

"Oh, yeah, I already did. He's outside on the porch, complaining about a pain in his groin or something," she informs casually.

I widen my eyes and rush to open the front door. Jonas is collapsed on the porch, holding his manhood and crying.

"Ivy!" he gasps when he sees me. "I think I see the light!"

I hold in a laugh and crouch down to be at his level. "I told you she wasn't allowed in this house. None of us wanted you to date her. You did this to yourself."

"I know," he sighs. "I was blinded by love."

"It's okay, buddy. Everyone falls for someone they shouldn't at some point in their lives," I preach. "Though, sadly, you fell for the biggest wench in Oregon." I stick my hand out to help him stand up. "I'll go get you some ice while you apologize to your sister."

He nods, mumbling something about how it makes sense that he would have to apologize for getting beaten up. I follow him inside the house and find a bag of frozen broccoli in the freezer to bring to Jonas.

Addison asks if I could go upstairs and talk to her for a bit. I leave Elliott to lecture Jonas about how the last person he should've devoted his life to was the same girl that snuck into his room and slept in his bed without him knowing. Once in her room, Addison falls apart. She starts crying and telling me every little detail about her day.

My heart breaks for her. The things in her diary were regular teenage thoughts: her crushes, her bad days, her good days, her feelings. She tells me that her diary is her favorite way to organize her emotions and deal with her disorder. To have that exploited is absolutely horrifying.

I try my best to give her advice, but this situation isn't easy to deal with. Jonas dealt with bullies, physically and mentally. But high school is different, as it is the start to your journey in finding yourself. She was so excited to start this with her brand new clothes, her near-perfect first boyfriend, and her strong friend group.

The best I could do was tell her that, in the scheme of things, opinions others have of you in high school isn't that important. Obviously you want to be liked, but that comes with your personality and how you act to others. It's not about the rumors. She'll grow into herself in the next four years, and all this drama will seem foolish when she looks back at it.

"Addison!" Elliott screams from downstairs. "There's someone at the door for you!"

Addison groans and stuffs her face in her pillow. "Send them away."

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