Chapter 1: Arkadia

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I sat in the tree waiting for the perfect moment to pounce. I had my bag on my back and my knife in my lace of my boot, like old times. It had been three months since we left Mount Weather and honestly things were getting a little boring around here. With Clarke gone Bell had taken up most of his time trying to help find the other Ark stations, along with Raven and the others.

I watched quietly as Caleb walked below the tree I was in, trying to stay hidden from me. I jump down onto his back, tackling him to the cold ground.

"Tag, you're it, hero," I whispered lying on Caleb's back. He grounded, shoving my off.

"Maybe you could let me win just once," he whined

"Not gonna happen bud." I smiled, helping him up. "But if you want to win you're gonna have to catch me," I exclaimed, before I took off running in the way of the camp.

He chuckled and began to chase after me, laughing. I jumped over roots and rocks, and dodged trees till I saw the clearing for Arkadia. I didn't have time to go around through the woods, to hole in the fence we found, so I kept running for the front gate.

I could hear Caleb catching up behind me. I leaned forward to try and pick up speed. My feet slammed against the hard ground as I ran up the dirt path. "Gonna have to be faster then that!" I yelled looking back at Caleb.

The gate was opened by a furious looking guard. "You know you kids aren't supposed to be out there un-supervision," she scolded as I jogged past her, slowing down a bit and walking backwards.

"Sorry Rosemary, it's probably gonna happen again, maybe tomorrow even, but hey gotta run. If you could not tell Bellamy about this, that'd be great!" I yelled, turning to run in the direction of the safe spot Caleb and I made, that signifies who won, which was located in our room. We spent a lot of time playing our own versions of tag and hide and seek, since there wasn't much for us to do for the past three months.

I turned to run to our room when a rover pulled in front of me, blocking my path. "'Don't tell Bellamy' what?" He asked, looking out the drivers side window leaning next to Raven who was in the driver seat.

"Um nothing, but if you'll excuse me-"

"Tag, you're it," Caleb said tapping my shoulder and running past me.

"Damn it!" I yelled, knowing for a fact that Caleb was going to make it to our room before I could tag him again, resulting in my losing my winning streak.

"What the hell are you doing?" Raven asked looking at the mirrors reflection, watching Caleb already so far ahead.

"I'm currently getting my ass beat at a game of tag. Thanks," I sassed, crossing my arms and glaring at Bellamy.

"Ari you know you're not supposed to be outside the gate," he scolded. I sighed nodding my head looking down at the ground, moving my foot around in the dirt.

"I know Bell, but it gets boring just staying behind the fence all day," I explained, looking up at him noticing the gun in his hands.

"It's not safe out there Ar."

"You're joking right?" I scoffed "The grounders aren't trying to kill us anymore and you guys come back fine after every run. There's no danger."

"How do you even get out without anyone seeing you?" he asked, shaking his head.

I held up head high with a smirk, "I have my ways."

"I told you, we needed to fix the hole in the fence." I heard Monty yell from the back of the rover, making the rest chuckle.

"Where are you guys going anyways?" I asked.

"We're going to map out Sector 7."

"Sector 7, isn't that Ice Nations territory?" I was suddenly worried for the group, knowing Ice Nation is strictly off limits.

Bell shook his head, "No, it's right on the border."

I nodded slowly. "Could I possibly come with?" I asked already knowing the answer.


"Yeah, yeah I know, I'm not a member of the guard, I'm to young, it's to dangerous, blah blah blah," I muttered, rolling my eyes and mocking all the times Bellamy had told me no.

"What I was going to say was, hop in." He gave his signature smirk.

My eyes widened as a smile plastered across my face. "Wait, really?" I asked, not believing him.

"Uh, Bell do you think that such a good idea?" Miller asked. He nodded his head.

"She's shown she can protect herself many times, just don't get shot in the leg, again." I rolled my eyes.

"Gosh, you sneak out of camp and get hit with an arrow once and you never live it down," I joked throwing my hands in the air as the group chuckled.

It was only when I was walking to the back of the rover that I remembered I had been hanging out with Caleb. "Ari, what are ya' doing?" he asked walking back over to me.

"Oh, uh, I'm gonna go to Sector 7 with the group," I explained, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

His face grew worried. "That's right on the border of Ice Nation though."

"I'll be fine," I assured as I walked to the back of the rover. "Will you be okay here without me, superhero?" I asked teasing him.

He hesitatingly nodded his head, giving me a weak smile. "Just be careful, okay."

I nodded, giving him a quick peck on the lips, "I always am. See you when I get back." I smiled getting into the rover.

Everyone starred at me as I sat down. "What?" I asked. They shook their heads smirking. Raven started the rover and we were off.

Hey. Long time no read. So as you can see this is the third book in my series. You don't need to read the other book if you're new if you're not new welcome back.

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