Some Historical Figures who Suffered from Depression

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( As far as I read about her in her days there were no such depression treatment methods as we have now yet - & they were trying to 'cure her melancholia' by keeping her in a dark room & feeding her with animal fat

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( As far as I read about her in her days there were no such depression treatment methods as we have now yet - & they were trying to 'cure her melancholia' by keeping her in a dark room & feeding her with animal fat... - It didn't work ).

4. William James ( 1842 - 1910 )

One of America's greatest psychologists & philosophers ( so he surely could understand his patients better than other doctors because he Had Depression too! - So he knew how they feel ). 

He suffered periods of depression, during which he was thinking of commiting suicide ( so his depression was of the most severe kind, cause people suffering from it think of ending their lives ). 

As the editor of his works said 'James spent a good part of his life rationalizing his decision Not To commit suicide. ( & if such thoughts ever come into your mind - you should think Not To Do It too! - For example try like this 'I can't kill myself because I have my friends & family & I must live for them cause they love me & they would all miss me so much'... or 'I can't kill myself because I haven't done so many thing I wanted to do in my life yet'... or whatever other reasons you can think of!- There ALWAYS ARE REASONS TO LIVE! :) & thinking of them may help you survive your hardest moments & save your life! ).

James went through a first period of Depression 'a personal crisis' when he was 27 years old ( but as we know, in some cases depression may start Much Earlier than that! ). 

His Remedy was Faith, and as he was saying 'I believe in belief'. That gave him strength to battle his Depression & he Did Win With It ( his death was caused by his heart failure on August 26th 1910 when he was 68 years old ).


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5. Sigmund Freud

( Yes! The founder of Psychoanalisis suffered from Depression & anxiety attacks! - did you know that? If you didn't - now you know ).

As Ernest Jones in 'The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud' says - Freud suffered from periodic depression, neurotic symptoms, including anxiety attacks' for many years. First he was trying to relieve his suffering with cocaine ( so not much changed till now. Some people with Depression still try to use drugs to feel better, & then they can fall into an addiction ). 

At the age of 28 Freud admitted that 'he uses small dosis of cocaine regularly for his depression & indigestion' & he already suffered from a few depression periods by that age because he said 'In my last severe depression I took cocaine again' ( so His depression must have started much earlier than that ). Then he discovered cocaine's dangers when he noticed other people in his environment getting addicted to it.

Freud's successful ways to battle his Depression turned out to be self-analisis & world recognition. He became the leader of Intellectual Community & got appreciated and admired by many people, just as he wanted in his early years of life. He managed to win with his Depression & lived 83 years.

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