Chapter five

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Sydney's POV

The reason Rick and his group were in the woods was because Carol, the older women, lost her daughter when the walkers crossed the highway. She ran into the woods and no one could find her.

Carter is making friends quickly, but I have  been sitting on the grass in front of the church. I just want Daryl to tell me what happened to my dad.

"Y'all gotta follow the creek bed back, Daryl you're in charge" The man named Shane walks over to us after talking to Rick.

"Me and Rick are just gonna hang back, search this area another hour or so just to be thorough." Shane keeps talking.

"You're splitting us up. You sure?" Daryl takes his place next to me.

"Yeah. We will catch up to you" Shane nods.

"I wanna stay too" Carl, the little boy, speaks up.

"I'm her friend" He says, making me grin. There is a long silence until his mother tells him to be careful. He reassures her, giving her a hug.

"Uncle Daryl. When we get back to your base can we talk?" I whisper to him. He nods, beginning to lead the way back.

"So Carter, Sydney. Are you two.." Carol smiles, trying to take her mind off her daughter.

"No. Just friends" I smile, trying to be polite.

"I would guess otherwise" Lori, Carl's mother, gestures down to our intertwined fingers. Carter let's go quickly and I look up at his face. His cheeks immediately turn red. Carol looks at me and raises her eyebrows, smirking. I grunt, looking back to the ground.

  "So this is it? This is the plan?" Carol sits on the fallen tree.

"I guess the plan is to whittle us down into smaller and smaller groups." Daryl says

"Carrying knives and pointy sticks" The blonde, Andrea says.

"I see you have a gun" She scoffs at Lori.

"Why you want it? Here. Take it" Lori holds it out to her.

"I'm sick of the looks you're giving me. All of you." Lori tells Andrea, making her scoff again.

"Honey, I can't imagine what you're going through and I would do anything to stop it. But you have got to stop blaming Rick. It is in your face every time you look at him" Lori speaks to Carol softly. I widen my eyes and keep listening.

"When Sophia ran, he didn't hesitate did he? Not for a second. I don't know that any of us would have gone after her the way he did. Or made the hard decisions he had to make. Or that anybody could have done it any differently. Anybody?" Lori looks at all of us. When nobody answers, Lori continues on with her rant.

"Y'all look to him and blame him when he's not perfect. If you think you can do this without him then go right ahead, nobody is stopping you"

I look at carter, who is just as confused as I am. He takes a deep breath and stands up. Uncle Daryl is still leaned on a tree. As I walk by him, he places his hand on my shoulder and gives it a small squeeze. I send him a smile as we continue back to camp.

About 10 minutes ago, we heard a gunshot. Just one gunshot. It's weird to just hear one, considering most people would just take one down with a knife. Lori is still freaking out about it because her son is out there. The plan still stays the same, hook back to the RV and wait for Sophia.

It's weird to see Daryl care so much for this little girl, it reminds me of us. The only little girl he's ever cared about is me.

"What do you think? Of all the people I mean" Carter hangs in the back with me.

"They're ok. Don't know em much yet" I shrug

  "That's because when I was taking, you were alone being antisocial" Carter grins, taking my hand again.

"Do you miss your parents?" I ask him.

  "Yea. Ty and Sasha too" He mumbles.

"I never thought I'd say this, but I miss my dad too" I look at Carters face, studying it. He looks down at me and smiles, showing his perfect teeth. I'm snapped out of my face when I hear a shriek come from the trees. I let go of Carter's hand and run over to the sound.

What I find is Andrea laying on the ground, a walker standing over her. She continues screaming as I raise my knife. Before I can take a step, the walker is took down by a women riding a horse.

"Lori? Lori Grimes?" The women panics.

"I-I'm Lori" Lori says.

"Rick sent me you gotta come now!" The women tells her

"What?" Lori is confused

"There's been an accident. Carl's been shot. He's still alive, but you gotta come now" She tells us. Even though I don't know the kid, I still feel a shiver go down my spine.

Lori stands shocked for a while, but the lady says to hurry up. Lori takes her backpack off quickly and gives it to me. Surprised, I hold it in my arms.

"Wooo, we don't know this girl. You can't get on that horse!" Daryl shouts.

"Rick said you had others on the highway? That big traffic snarl? Back track to Fairburn road. Two miles down is our farm" the lady grabs the reigns.

"Uh huh" Glenn mutters.

"Mailbox name is Greene. Hyah!" The horse takes off, Lori and the lady riding away.

Everyone stands looking at the walker that has sat back up. Daryl takes his crossbow, telling the walker to shut up, and putting an arrow through its head.

I pull the arrow out and follow my uncle back to the highway.

End of chapter 5!

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