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Hiro POV

She's gone....

No she is alive

She is dead...


Hiro open your eyes!

They're open.

She won't wake up!

Yes she will

Hiro she is as good as gone.

No, I love her too much.

It's been a year since she went into that coma I want my YN back. It should have been me!!!! MY YN IS GONE CAUSE OF HIM! I HATE MYSELF! MY BEST FRIENDS DEAD! I began to sob.

Flashback Is slanted
Regular is Hiro's comments.

We were sitting on the bench.

"Hiro. I hate him. He broke my heart.. Do you know he cheated on me with My sister!" She said crying.

I wanted to hold her,kiss her and make her stop crying.

I walked with her in the forest we laid in the leaves and looked up at the sky.The leaves fell on us. I looked at her it was sunset. I remember telling her to come closer. She smiled and came closer. I remember looking at her lips then at her. She nodded and I kissed her. She smiled through out the kiss I felt it. When we pulled away she smiled and kissed me this kiss better than the first because She kissed me. I smiled happily. The first real smile I ever had.

Flashback over

I screamed. She can't be gone.. I stared at the window. Everything reminds me of her. I smiled. I looked at the phone who is calling me?

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