Lincoln, Nebraska - "You shouldn't have made a deal with a warlock"

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*Narrator POV*

~January 5th, 1982~
Ellen's fingers traced the lines in his palm while she was laughing at his joke. She never did this, it always seemed wrong, but tonight... Tonight she couldn't help herself. She wanted to feel alive, to feel like nothing ever happened, she wanted to be reckless, she wanted fun.
He ordered another glass of wine for her and a scotch for him. He wanted it double, and somehow that turned her on. Ellen couldn't quite understand why she was so attracted to him, but she couldn't resist. Not to him.
He smiled at her and just like that, she lost track of her thoughts.

-And then I said "Hey, this is not my horse!", he threw the punch line as she started laughing.

Ellen was lost in his bright blue eyes, and she couldn't keep her glance away from his lips. They were so full, just perfect for kissing. She was looking at him and just day dream about what it would be to see him again after tonight. She kept asking herself what was it about him that made her feel this way. Was it his features? He was extremly good looking but that's not what he was all about. He was funny, amazing, interesting. Different. Even his name was different, foreign he said. She found his name so persuasive,  and it fit him just right. She was scared of calling his name out loud, not to destroy the magic of it.

-Your life is so interesting, she said taking a sip from her drink. I wish my life would be as slightly as fascinant as yours is.

He smirked at her, that's what he wanted to hear all along. He straightened his back and turned slightly towards her just so he could face her. He took her hands into his and glared over her, looking straight into her eyes.

-So, tell me, Ellen, what is your deepest, darkest wish?

~March 20th, 1991~

-You are a horrible, horrible man, did you know that? She screamed at him in anger.

He simply smiled. 

-So I've heard, he said.

-How can you stay there and smile like?! What's wrong with you? She threw a pillow at him which he caught right before it hit him.
-Stop throwing things around, will you?

She sat on her couch defeated. She covered her face with her hands and sighed.

-So, tell me, did you had fun? He asked.
-What? When?
-Well, mostly in the last 8 years since I've last saw you, but I'm mainly asked about the last vacation in Cancùn.

She looked at him. He hasn't aged a day since she last saw his bright blue eyes, meanwhile, she already started to have wrinkles at the corner of her eyes.
She hated him. She hated him for what he asked her and she hated him because he looked amazing while asking.

-How did you know about Cancùn?
-How did I knew you were pregnant? I have a... You can call it gift. So, I see that I made my side of the deal, and I shall come back in roughly 9 months to pick up yours.

She started crying, placing a hand on her stomach. Until half an hour ago she didn't even knew she was pregnant, and now...

-What will happen to him? She whispered.

He sat next to her, taking her hands into his and stared into her eyes, almost piercing her soul. She felt touched, it was like his eyes were able to see within her.

-Nothing bad, Ellen, I promise, he said placing a kiss on her cheek.

~December 11th, 1991~

She caressed her baby's cheek carefully not to wake him up. Her fingers traced his small features and all she could think about is how she actually made a person. This was her son, her own flesh and blood, sitting in his crib, peacefully sleeping. He could be here any second now and she was afraid what will happen to her baby.

-Hello, Ellen, a voice said behind her.

She could recognize that voice in a heart beat. It was his. The voice she used to listen in that bar almost 9 years ago, mesmerized about it, was now here to take away her happiness. She looked at him, he was covered by the shadows that crept through the windows. He was wearing a long trench coat that could protect him from Nebraska's cold air. She could still see his blue eyes and his smirk which she felt that she could almost punch of off his face. She hated his guts.

-I understand that he's healthy and ready to go? He asked.

She stood up and walked towards him.

-If you touch a hair of his head, I will end you! She screamed at him

-Now, Ellen, we had a deal, he remained her.

-Screw that deal! I hate this deal!

-Then you shouldn't have made a deal with a warlock.

And just like that he was gone. Her baby was gone too. She fell on her knees crying. After 9 long years, the name that she was afraid to say out loud, the name she almost fell in love with, came out of her lips with hatred and anger:



~Present day, Dean POV~

I ended the call confused and filled with anger. I have to do something! I walked into Sam's room, he was just getting dressed. His shoulder must still hurt from the last hunting trip, cause he struggled to put his jacket on.

-Sammy, we have to go, now!

-What happened, Dean? He asked me.

-Jo called. Ellen is gone!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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