Rockford, Illinois- ''Offspring of an offspring''

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~Narrator POV~

His eyes opened, revealing the most unique shade of colors, a shade of light amber around his pupils, but in the center, the purest green. He was awake, but he didn't know why. He was in a deep sleep, not even a minute ago. Something woke him, something happened. Something bad. He threw the covers off of him and revealed his own body. He quickly checked himself before grabbing the gun that was placed beneath his pillow. He stood up and fell as soon as he did. His forehead furrowed in confusion. He glanced at his arm where he patched the arrow's nibble. The bandage was still there, no blood, but a he saw little black veins escaping from beneath it. He placed the gun back beneath the pillow.

He took the bandage off and studied his arm. The point of entry on his arm, even if was more like a scratch, was turning into a pitch black. He dragged his fingers across it and the pain that took over his body was excruciating. His jaw tightened holding a scream. He slowly got out of bed and took the first aid kit that he had in his room, trying to patch up the wound again.

As much as he wanted to put all of these under the rug, not to worry Dean, he knew, deep down, that this can't bring anything good. After he finished, he tucked everything back into the aid kit and went back to bed. Little did he know, his night would be followed by nightmares.


His hand had a small tremor and he tried to hide it by shoving his hand into his pocket. He could not wait for all of this to end and everything to go back to normal.

-Aye Sammy, you feel like kicking the road? Dean asked him.

He glanced over at Bobby who had his head into the fridge. His voice echoed as he spoke.

-You boys are going to leave me this soon after you have arrived?

Dean chuckle. Sam cleared his throat, grabbing his attention.

-Not so fast, Dean. He waved some papers in the air. We got a case.

He rolled his eyes, huffing.

-Son of a... And I really wanted some of that left over pie we have in the bunker! What's the deal?

Bobby got his head out, holding couple of beers.

-It seems like a vampire nest settled in Rockford, Illinois.

-I'll deal with them, Booby said, you princesses go home and relax.

Dean gave Booby a dirty look.

-We are not talking about A vampire, we are talking about a NEST. You can't do this by yourself!

Bobby's eyes squinted.

-Are you saying I'm not good enough of a hunter to take care of a itsy bitsy nest?

-Not even the best hunter can take care of a nest alone, so quit being stubborn and let's go.

-Fine, but I will take my own ride.


Music was blasting from the Impala that was making it's way down the road. Dean's head was rocking in tune with the music, his mouth singing all the lyrics, Sam's eyes rolled. A normal ride, finally something not out of the ordinary for him to feel a little better about.
Suddenly, a sharp pain took over Sam's arm, making him tighten his grip on the car's handle and let out a small scream.

-Dude, I though you hated this song! Dean screamed back.

He did hate the song, lucky for him, his scream was in tune with the song, so Dean didn't notice his stiff posture and his hands whiten from all the blood that was blocked by his grip.

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