Ch. 3

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(THIS is what Alex looks like)We kicked Miles out of BumbleBee, for being such a Dickhead. Then we picked Micky, my nickname for Mikaela

. I kinda zoned out and listened to Tag your it by Melanie Martinez. (I'm a fan of Melanie, I love her music!) I came back to reality, as BumbleBee broke down at a hill playing romantic music for Sam and Mikaela. "Come on Bee! Do something, she's leaving!" I whispered. He turned himself on (That sounded wrong! X3 XD) and we stopped in front of Mikaela. We drove to her house, but I fell asleep during the way.
(Time Skip)
I woke up to the sound of an engine. ITS BUMBLEBEE! I then got into the front seat as S'mores got into my lap. "Where are we going?!" S'mores meowed. "We are going to the junkyard, remember?" I told her. S'mores was always there when I watched all the Transformers movies. "How do you know where I'm going?!" BumbleBee asked through the radio, in confusion. "Um, can you keep a secret?" I sighed. "Yea...I guess." "Well, Me and S'mores are from another dimension, where you guys are movies and cartoon shows." "Wow." When he said that I looked in the corner of my eye to see a girl with Black hair and Dark green eyes. "ALEX! Is that you?!" I yelled in excitement. She turned around. "Becca! S'mores! It's good to see you, and is that BumbleBee?! Man, you guys are already ahead in the movie huh?" She said. "Yea, we are on our way to light the signal, wanna join?" "HELL TO THE YEAH!" The three of us got into BumbleBee and rode to the junkyard.
*At the Junkyard*
We got out of BumbleBee, so he could transform. I fangirled a little, and Alex and Bee looked at me weird. "Sorry."
(Few Hours Later)
After lighting the signal, I found out Sam was arrested for being a druggie. Turns out that the police officer was on drugs too. How ironic! We hung out together, until Dad was back with Sam. I changed clothes, cause mine were a little dirty.

(And a pair of white converses, I forgot to add them in the design

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

(And a pair of white converses, I forgot to add them in the design.)A few minutes, Dad came home with Sam. Me, S'mores, and Alex snuck out to hang out with Bee. "So, what happened, Alex, how did you get here?" I asked. "I guess same as you, I went to sleep, and then 'BAM' I was here." She said. "Do you have everything that you need in your backpack?" I asked her as she looked in her backpack. I checked my phone, it was a pink iPhone 5s with a phone-case that looked looked like a glass of red wine. Alex's phone was an iPhone 4s with a Black Butler phone-case. We went to sleep in the back seats.
(The Next Day)
Me and Alex woke to the feeling that we were in a familiar scene. "We are close to seeing Barricade, wanna do a prank to piss him off?" I told as Alex did an evil smirk. In our original dimension, me and Alex were the Prankster of our school. Like George and Fred Weasley, from Harry Potter. "So, what do you think we should do?" Alex asked. "I'm thinking pink, glitter, stickers, and butterflies on him!" I said as Alex laughed.

It's just a dream (Transformers Bay-verse) (Bumblebee X OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum