Ch. 1

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(This is what Rebecca is wearing.)My name is Rebecca. And I am 13 years old. I'm a huge fan of transformers, I've watched the movies so many times I know what will happen. Anyway. I was at school learning the worst thing ever. MATH! My eyes kept dropping so I decided to give up and go to sleep. During my little cat nap, I heard voices of a familiar character. "...ecca, Rebecca, REBECCA!" I woke with a start. "Mrs. Witwicky, if you want to pass this class I suggest you pay attention." Mr. Honey said. Wait. IM IN THE TRANSFORMERS BAY-VERSE!!! This means I'm probably Sam's sister. I wait for the bell to ring so I can go find BUMBLEBEE!!! *silent fangirl scream* "All right, Mr. Witwicky, your up." Mr. Honey said as Sam got up to start his presentation.  "Ok, for...." he said as he got.  Shot with a rubber band. I knew who shot it, Trent! I hated him so much I wished that he would die in the pits of Cybertron. After the presentation, we got our grades. I got an A+. I bet you are wondering how I'm in high school, I have a high intelligence level. Sam got a B-. I went to the car to wait for him. "Hey Dad" "Hey Becca Bear, how was school?" "It was good!" "Are we going to get Sam's car?" I got into the car and got my phone to listen to Melanie Martinez's song, Mad Hatter. I sang a few Words to wait for Sam.
My friends don't walk, they run.
Skinny dip in rabbit holes for fun.
Popping, popping, balloons with guns, getting high off helium.
We paint white roses, red, each shade from a different person's head.
This dream, dream is a killer, getting drunk with the blue catapiller.(I think I spelled it wrong.) I stopped singing when I saw Sam running towards the car. "I got a A." "Let me see, let me see." "It's an A, it's an A, right?" "Its an A!" Dad said as he started the car. 'We are getting Bumblebee!!' I thought. "Watch this." Dad whispered. I watched as he pulled into the Porsche dealership.  I did a smirk as  Sam smiled like a village idiot. "No, no, no, Dad! You got to be kidding!?!" Sam said with excitement. "Yea I am, your not getting a Porsche." Dad laughed. I laughed to. Quietly. Then we went to Bobby B's Auto Sales. Sam started throwing his little fit. I started to look for BumbleBee. "Becca, come here!" Dad called. "Gentlemen, and lady. Bobby Bolivia, like the country, except without the runs." Bobby chuckled. As Bobby walked with Sam, I heard a engine. BUMBLEBEE! I ran to the exact spot where bumblebee parked. "Hello there, gorgeous!" I said as I stroked my fingers down the hood. He shivered. I opened the door, and got into the driver seat. I wiped the dirt off the Autobot symbol. "I'm so excited that I met you, BumbleBee!" I whispered. (Time Skip)
After Dad bought BumbleBee from the dealership, I rode with Sam for the ride home. "Hey Becca, do you want to go to a party with me and miles?" "Hell yeah!"

It's just a dream (Transformers Bay-verse) (Bumblebee X OC)Where stories live. Discover now