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I have a story. Something funny happened.


Once upon a time, it was the end of first period. The student teacher was passing out a paper that had the preamble to the constitution on it and the other teacher said we had to memorize it and recite it, and then he said, and he said this to a boy named Jesse, and he said "Jesse, if you can remember the lyrics to a Taylor Swift song, then you can remember this." and the entire class laughed. And this kid like two seats behind me (I sit in the front) named Matthew said something, at least I think he did, but I can't remember, but then the teacher said "Don't act like I don't know you listen to Ariana Grande." and Matthew says "But I listen to country music."
And then the teacher turns his attention back to Jesse and says "Jesse if you don't know the lyrics to Shake It Off, then you haven't been listening to the radio for the past two years." and then said "Don't act like you aren't wearing a Taylor Swift t shirt under that jacket, Jesse."

It was hilarious. The entire class was laughing.



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