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Here are some savage comebacks for every situation. (Man, I do love a good comeback)

• • •

- "Your bra strap is showing."

- *gasp* "Oh my God. No one can know that I, a teenage girl, wear a bra!! Someone call Victoria because her secret is OUT!!"

• • •

- "You're so skinny!"

- "Yeah. I am. Why aren't you?" (This is probably a bit mean. But it depends on who you're saying it to)

• • •

- "Ooh, are you on your period or something?"

- "I started my day in a pool of blood. Is that how you'd like me to end yours?"

• • •

- "You're ugly."

- "Thanks, I was trying to look more like you today!" (Again, this could be a bit mean. But then again, people who tell you that "you're ugly" aren't really nice to begin with so...)

• • •

- "You're so quiet!"

- "Well nobody plans a murder out loud!"

• • •

And that's it! Hope these were useful :) Thanks for reading!


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