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I just want to say thank you to everyone who has voted for Royalty Bloodline too votes are still coming in every so often new people are reading so I'm just so thankful really I am when I started Royalty Bloodline I wasn't expecting this as y'all  know the book is about a young girl with a lot of attitude who just lost her mom and is staying with her aunt Rachel but one day she decided on herself to visit her dad so on so thanks here is Royalty Inferno I'm hoping this is gonna be move loved and gives people something more to read it's basically about just Roya's funny sassy and fun life than Royalty Bloodline it don't have some characters in it they might be up top but they not gonna be in the actual book a lot so imma just do a quick interview wit all the characters  and have a lil reunion (Like the BGC) then well jump right into it 


Me: So everyone book one is over now we going into book two but before we get to that Roya let me just say girl you was popping in book one wasn't she everyone 

Audience claps and cheers 

Roya: well I gotta keep it real doe everyone like I'm just being me and I guess people love that 

Audience claps and cheers 

Me: So Emily and Roya the fight wha- (you would only know this if you pay attention to the video's and pictures I have on the chapters)

Roya: I beat her ass 

Emily: No I had something in my eye 

Roya: So you had some in yo eye all the way thru 

Audience claps and cheers

Me: Roya Imma keep it real with you cuz you are one of my favorites when I saw you whooping her ass I was like Noo!!!!!!! and then when you ripped out her hair 

Roya: laughs I always tell everyone not to push me but it's like they don't listen 

Me: laughs right right so let's talk about you and Aliyah ganging up on Camilla what was that about 

Roya: okay my problem with Camilla was that she was fake all the way thru she hated the fact that Sanjay was with liyah and she wanted to get back at her I find that bitchy like if you a ex then stay a ex honey your a ex for a fucking reason 

Audience claps and cheers 

Me: laughs Aliyah what you think about everything with Camilla

Aliyah: we will fight forever I hate her so much I know that's a strong word but dealing with a hoe is all I can say really 

Camilla: I'm not a hoe so don't try that cuz I'm not a hoe bitch 

Aliyah: What happened the last time you came to my face bloop on the floor so don't try it 

Audience claps and cheers 

Me: let's talk to killo and Myles, Now what's going on with y'all because I remember reading back to when Killo got shot and Myles you ain't come to the hosp-

Myles: I did come to the hospital but I ran out and didn't go to any of his therapy sessions that why he ma-

Killo: nigga let's get on thing straight I'm not mad nor am I pissed I just don't fuck with you if you see me take a left you beter take a right 

Myles: That's fine bro 

Killo: I'm not yo fucking bro either 

Me: Right okay and Sanjay while all this is going on where do you stand because near the end of the book there's actually a fine line that devised two groups. Myles, Corbin, Killo, Camilla, Emily, Daquan, Roya, Hazel, Aliyah, Caspar and you being the originals. While you also have the new kids coming in book two who is Hazel's brother Kelvin, also Tristan and Rheem the Martinez boys and are handsome asf. 

Sanjay: right right, I mean all through the book, like at the start about how I pushed roya off the bridge I think form then people saw me as the bad guy but in reality my moms dead and aunt Tiffany raised me getting with this big time drug dealer 

Me: right, so how you feel about the divide in the book 

Sanjay: I mean imma ride for my sister till the end that mean now we got new additions to the fam like my bro Caspar he just dope and then my new sister Hazel also dope you know everyone just done I ain't  met Kalvin or Tristan yet so ion know but I bet they dope too then my future wide aliyah dope I just don't fuck with anyone who's name I didn't just say 

Audience claps and cheers 

Me: right now we are gonna bring out the people in the story who is gonna be publishing book two near the summer of 2017 Justin, Target and Nate bc you know Rachel and Royal ran the last book this past fall of 2016.

Audience claps and cheers 

Me: hello so we've heard from them now it's your turn JUstin you kidnapped two kids really 

Audience laughs

Justin: Trilla I couldn't tell who was who my bad 

Me: Right, Right now there is somebody missing I understand losing Raven and Royalty and then Rachel had a big impact on everyone Target tell us a little about how you feel about losing the legends themselves 

Target: I mean if you read the book that's gonna come out you'll find out that we was more than any average teens like getting out hands dirty and love doing what we did best you gonna see a lot of  that in the book you gonna see when my man Justin had his crash when raven ran away you gonna see a lot we have an exclusive part right at the end where you see the way she died but raven was a beautiful powerful soul and she lives within Roya everyday she grower her mother 

Audience claps and cheers 

Me: yea I mean having someone to jump into the role of Raven, Rachel is Royalty was very hard Justin you were very close with them I want y'all to hear the trailer for the book 

Life is a clock and only has a limited time and speed in this game we choose what we love and what we lose, where too all friends it was a ride or die situation, some people think it's a game that's until they met Raven Smith and she changed it up 

Raven: aye watch it you steeped on my new trainer stupid boy 

Royalty: man what ever I ain't seen you princess 

Raven: she grabs his dick and pulls him close I ain't no princess and I don't get the prince I'm a beast and I'm hunting for my bread

Royalty: could I be the bread he said smiling as he gets closer to her 

Raven: eww nigga no let's go Rachel 


Audience claps and cheers 

Me: we'll as you can see Raven does bring fir like Roya so in the sequel we should see more of sassy Roya and imma say this it's hard for any child losing a parent or someone close I lost my dad and in the Sequel you see how Roya is still developing the lost of her mother and dad and Aunt all in one I feel like at the start Roya is still developing that and it's hard for her losing three people in one ain't easy for one thanks again for all the love and support and please comment and votes keep them coming love reading your comment and hearing good things about my book especially that it's reminds y'all of the game plan but just a hood version lol xx

Audience claps and cheers 


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