I scrunched up my face, "that sounds creepy."

"No Babe! He's really cute!" Alex defended as I reached into my backpack for an apple.

"Alex," I chucked. "Cute guys can be creepy."

"Can you just not ruin the moment please," She laughed as she pulled up her phone to show me a picture of him.

He had thick eyebrows, a rounded jaw covered in stubble and light brown hair that made his bright blue eyes stand out.

"He's cute, " I finally agreed as I took another bite of my apple and handed back her phone. "So what did you two end up doing last night that made you late?" I wiggled my eyebrows earning me a slap on the shoulder.

"None of what you're thinking! It was the first time meeting him. We just.. hung out."

"Define hanging out."

She smiled cheekily, "we went to Nandos."

I stared at her blankly before bursting out into laughter. Chunks of the apple I was chewing flew out of my mouth and landed on her lap.

Alex stood up and shrieked as she tried to wipe off my spit and the food I was in the middle of chewing off of her lap.

"You're so disgusting!" Alex grabbed her handbag off the floor and threw it at me, hitting my side right where my tattoo was.

"FUCK!" I screamed out load as I gritted my teeth, earning the attention of the boys that were playing footy on the field.

"I didn't throw it that hard," Alex said quickly with her hands up in front of her.

"No, but you aimed it bloody perfectly," I lifted up my dress to show her my tattoo, earning whistles from the boys.

I flipped them off as Alex knelt down to get a closer look.

"Wow, Nora," she whistled as she pulled back and I let my dress drop. "Wait, did you tell your mum?"

I snorted, "no."

"How did you get it done then?"

Reaching into my bag I pulled out my wallet and handed Alex the ID that we had found months ago. "You said her and I looked alike so I put it to use."

It was true, the girl in the ID photo, Maggie Marie Jones, looked a lot like me. We both had the same wavy honey coloured hair, the same shade of green eyes and the same fair skin tone covered in freckles.

"He didn't notice?" Alex asked with confusion.

"Probably did but I don't think he cared to be honest. Anyway! Do you like it?"

"I love it! The colours look so good, I've never seen a tattoo like that. Why the feather though?"

I shrugged, "I don't really know, I just liked it so I thought why not. Not like it's permanent," I joked.

"Give us a look, Nora!" Jason, the guy I sat next to in Biology called out as he threw the ball to one of his friends before jogging towards Alex and me.

"You wish Jason," I flipped him off with a laugh.

"When are you going to dump that boyfriend of yours and realize that we're meant to be together," Jason shook his head as he draped an arm around my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes. "Boy, you better move that arm."

He kept his arm in place as we stared each other down without blinking, both of us too stubborn to look away first.

This was a daily thing for me and Jason since he started at our high school earlier this year. Being the closest school to multiple towns, we would often have new students start at various times throughout the year, it was a normal thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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