Chapter 4

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this chapter  is dedicated to: @AtheScrivener

As we stepped out of the building, I hissed out and pulled Max closer to me to shield him from the unnerving brightness of the sun. 

Finally seeing my siblings in the light made me gasp. Emmaline's wrists and ankles were rubbed raw. The wolfsbane burns would scar her wrist; I'd seen it before with the unfortunate wolves that our father had tortured. Luckily Max didn't have any burns on his body and I sighed with relief at the sight of his dirty but unmarked skin.

There weren't too many people around us, which made sense since no one would want to voluntarily be near the jail and torturing building. The screams of people would probably keep them up at night. As we walked deeper into town or hobbled in the case of me and my mate, we spotted more and more people, who watched us, the curiosity evident on their faces. I could see the pack house ahead of us. My jaw dropped.

It was freaking HUGE!

It was basically a castle with a humongous pool in the front and I rolled my eyes at the unnecessary opulence. I swallowed my awe and prayed to the moon goddess to get there with no distractions.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen. 
A leggy blonde dressed in tight yoga pants and a sports bra (which was 75% mesh) ran up to my mate. "Hunter! "What's wrong?" I held in a growl as she rubbed a freshly manicured hand on his back.

"Nothing Stephanie," he grunted, "I'll talk to you later."

"But baby, you promised you would take me shopping today." Her whiny voice made me want to punch her lights out but I concentrated on the wolfsbane laced chains in my hands. He wasn't mine anyway, and there was no way that I would take him as my mate after what he did to me.

"Who's this?" Her voice was laced with haughtiness as she acknowledged me for the first time. I huffed and rolled my eyes and her expression filled with surprise.

"Who's this?" Emmy mocked the lady and Max joined in, adding, "Hunter, what's wrong!" in a falsetto voice while scrunching up his face and puckering his lips.

"Who IS she? WHO ARE THEY?" she repeated more urgently and I snickered loudly at how easily she was provoked. She whipped around to face Hunter but before a sound could escape from her open mouth, Hunter held up a shaking hand.

"Please Stephanie; leave us now." She huffed and turned. As she stalked away from us, an overwhelming sense of possessiveness came over me and I shouted after her, "He's my mate!"

She turned back around, mouth open wide, and a storm brewing in her eyes. Hunter groaned at my outburst and seeing her reaction to my words, he let an Alpha command rip through his throat. "LEAVE US!"

The aggravating female stopped in her tracks and lowered her head immediately before turning away with a whimper and I laughed.

"Lovely pack you've got here, Hunter," I said obnoxiously as she walked away and I saw how he shivered as I said his name for the first time.

"Just keep walking." He answered gruffly.

We marched to the pack house without any further interruptions, though the gawking crowd was a bit unnerving. Still, I kept my head held high and phased completely into my human form. Fortunately, my odd transformation had not ripped my clothes as a full transition would have and my black running shorts and sponge bob tee-shirt were only dirty.

Hunter let out a huge gasp of relief and we both took a deep breath. I trusted that he'd let us get into the pack house without trying to go back on the deal but I waved the wolfsbane chains over my head as a warning to him at how easy it would be for me to bring him to his knees again.

The warriors opened the door to the pack house and I ushered my siblings in, placing a hand firmly on their shoulders. I quickly scanned the room for anyone who might be lurking around before turning my complete attention on the men in front of me. I wouldn't be fooled again.

"So," I began, "where do you keep your females in heat. That's where I want to go." The guards looked to Hunter and he sighed before waving at them to continue. I laughed at Hunter and his eyes quickly flickered before returning back to their steely state. I bit my lip. In that split second, he didn't look like he wanted to kill me and Hunter growled as his eyes darkened with an emotion I hadn't seen before.

Max deviously slipped from under my arm grinned adorably up at Hunter and shut his eyes tightly for a couple of long seconds before reopening them and looking expectantly at him.

"What was that?" Hunter asked brusquely and Max pouted and crossed his arms.

"I winked at you!" He said, offended and Hunter looked confused. " You're saying that that thing you did with your eyes was a wink?" He looked up at me for confirmation and I shrugged. This kind of behavior was not unwonted for a four-year-old. What did he want me to do, scold the kid?

"Why did you wink at me?" Hunter asked accusingly and Maxon laughed like the question was ludicrous. Max's laughter died out when he saw that he was the only one laughing. "Because." He said a little timidly as he nervously squirmed in front of the tall men. His voice sounded thick with unshed tears and I sighed and let go of Emmy's hand and stepped forward to scoop him up while shooting Hunter a dirty look. 

He raised his hands in defense. "I didn't do anything. The kid's weird." The words tumbled out of his mouth quickly and I chuckled at him. Where was that overweening tone now, huh?

"Just take us to the room," I stated. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and bent down to grab Emmaline's hand before following the men up the stairs. 

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