Chapter 9

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*Skye's POV*

I don't know what to think. I found out Luke and Ana broke up. I feel sad for them but also a little sad for myself.

I know you probably think that I should be happy because now I stand a chance with Luke but that's not the case. I can't go and date my bestfriend's ex! It's like an unwritten rule of friendship.

Besides Luke will never like me more than just a friend. He can easily get any girl he wants with that looks and personality. I can't help but compare myself to Ana. She is so beautiful and she is fun to be around with, if Luke says no to that then I can forget about it. I'm nothing compared to what he had.

I should just accept that a relationship with Luke is never going to happen. Anyway they just broke up, how will it look like if me and him started dating not even a week after Luke and Ana broke up.

*A few weeks later*

They are gone now.

A couple of minutes ago they were still here joking around and saying goodbye and now they're off to London. We're going to miss our crazy friends.

All our families are at the airport to say goodbye and now that they're gone, there is mixed emotions. Sadness and proudness rule inside of us.

That's it I won't be seeing Luke for about a year, that should be enough time to get over this crush. The girls will be throwing themselves at him and no doubt they will be hundred times more pretty than me. He can pick and choose. I have to get over him, there isn't any other way.


It's been a few months now since the boys left on tour and I can't believe how good they are doing! I've seen some of the YouTube videos and I can't explain how proud I am of them. Me and the guys still chat and Skype when they have time.

I'm pleased to inform you that Ana met a new guy and they are so cute together! His name is Jake and wow I must say they are made for each other. It's like Ana is a whole new person, she is so happy.

Jake introduced me to one of his friends, Alex. He's a really nice guy and we get along just fine. No we are not dating even if some people think we are. He's more like a brother to me and I've told him that. Luckily he feels the same way so no drama there. The only problem I have is inside myself.....I'm still in love with Luke!

*Luke's POV*

The tour is amazing! I love it. The crowds are just incredible and so supportive, I can't even describe how it feels when the crowd shouts the lyrics right back at you. I'm literally living the dream. I'm seeing places I have never seen before I've learned so much new stuff.

I'm now on Skype with Skyler. Believe it or not, I'm still not over her! You would've thought with all this touring and other girls throwing themselves at us that I would've forgotten all about my crush on Skye but the longer I'm away from home the more I miss her and wish she was here with me.

"So how is the touring going? Have you gotten any hot dates yet?" She asks and I want to tell her the only person I want to take on a date is her but then some guy comes into view. He's hugging her and she introduces him as Alex.

Suddenly I'm so pissed that I just want to smash the laptop screen. He's two times my size and I can see Skye really likes him, the way her face lit up at the sight of him, it makes me sick.

"I have to go" is all I say, not even acknowledging his greeting and with that I end the call. I instantly feel bad for my behavior after seeing her confused face right before the call ended but jealousy took over and I couldn't handle it, I still can't.

I don't even know what I was thinking. I should've know better than to hope on standing a chance with her. I'm not her type, I must just accept it. She obviously doesn't care about me. The signs were always there and I chose to ignore it, hanging on to Ana's words with a little bit of hope that when we get back I can try and ask her out. All that hope is gone now, crushed.

After that me and Skye barely talk and I know it's mainly me avoiding her. She has a boyfriend so why does she want to talk to me? Well that is what I tell myself anyway but deep down I know it's only because I don't want to see her all happy with someone else.....selfish I know.

I must admit that I miss her, I miss talking to her. I miss the Skype calls but I can't bring myself to call her not after I practically ignored her for about two weeks.

I'm sitting alone in the room me and Ashton share when the words just hit me put of nowhere, it's everything I'm feeling. I kinda feel like Taylor Swift for writing a song about my "relationship" but it's like therapy and after I wrote it I feel a little better.

Ashton comes into the room and sees the paper. "What's that you have there?" he asks curiously. "Uhm nothing really" I replied trying to put the paper away but before I can do it Ash grabs the paper and looks at it.

"Lost Boy? Is this a song you just wrote?" he asks while reading it. I just nod. "It's really good, mind if I show the other guys?" he asked and one thing led to another and now we are performing it at our concerts.

I must say that it's a hit! The fans love it and I enjoy playing it because it lets me get rid of all the emotions I have inside of me that I may never get the chance to show.

Cause without you I'm a lost boy

New Girl (Luke Hemmings fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon