'Fear is a foreign word for a Morgenstern, Calrissa' Valentine said to me at such a young age. That's been my motto from this point on.

I looked towards the mirror and see my reflection. I see my green eyes looking back at me and under my eyes are some nasty looking bags, but what really stands out are my red curls.

I touched a strand of my red hair and start combing my hair with my fingers. It wasn't soft, nor rough either. I didn't get what Jace like about my hair so much.

There I am again thinking about Jace!

Jace. Jace. Jace.

Apart from the Valentine problem surrounding half of my mind, Jace occupies the other half and...most of my dreams.

I sigh and unlocked the bathroom door and head out to my room. I turn on the lamp beside my bed and grabbed my laptop and immediately opened a new tap and went to my playlist and plugged in my head phones.

I glance at my door to make sure its locked, and I'm not surprised that it is. I reach out for my lamp and turn it off, letting the darkness consume me once again. It's almost midnight so it's completely pitch black outside.

I sigh and put my laptop to the side, shutting it slightly as I do so. I then put my head against a pillow and let the music flow through my ears. I stare at the celling and since it's dark, my mind starts creating shapes and random swirls.

Suddenly, the swirls are reminding me of Jace's golden curls.

I mentally curse my self for thinking about Jace, again.

I sigh irritably.

I honestly don't know what me and Jace are. I mean, sure we kissed a few times and had heated make out sessions, but we really haven't talked about. I guess I have to DTR  (Define The Relationship).

I chuckled at that.

You see after we shared our second kiss in Val's Studios, where Valentine produced some of his movies, we both went out of the room and faced my father, I being the kind person I am, told him that I quit, calmly if I might add. As for Jace he punched Valentine, yes again, and told him he quits too.

After that we both headed home, well specifically Jace's mansion. Then we started discussing about my father and how we are going to make him pay for what he has done. Jace hired some people to go undercover and reveal some dirt from Valentine, while I use my geek skills to hack his database.

Yes, I said geek skills or as Jace said "you undercover nerd". What? My best friend is Simon, one of the princes of geek-landia. I also lost a bet to him, and since I lost I had to take computer classes with him for four years. And who would've thought that those computer classes actually paid off.

But it was no use. Valentine has his databases updated to the best and the most securest software I've ever seen. But its makes me wonder, why would a man need the most foolproof system of all time?

'Well he did murder Jace's father' my subconscious notified me.

Besides that.

What else is my father hiding? My curiosity took the best of me and made me more determined to hack his database, which is located in Val's Studios, in his office, and in his mac book.

Ugh! Why couldn't he just put his secrets in files or in a locked safe room, where we could easily intercept them.

Curse technology these days! To advanced for my opinion! Doesn't he know that technology can't be fully trusted!

A yawn escapes from my lips. I guess thinking too much make me tired. I lay down in my comfortable side, which happens to be the right side.

I let my eyes flutter close and let sleep overcome me. I'm pretty sure that Jace and I can sort this out some other day, but first, we need to get help because we know that we can't do this by ourselves.


Hello Angel's!
Merry Christmas!!
Sorry I took this long to update!
I will not tell you my excuses, since they are the same.
Anyways, please vote and comment for more!
Important note: P.s Gone Forever isn't a real movie or a book, at least I don't think so.

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