Chapter 1: Eva's P.O.V

Start from the beginning

"You're late, Ms. Sky," the woman tsks.

"Um, yes, sorry about that. There was a traffic jam," the lie slips through my lips without a second thought.

"I see. Take the staircase on the right from the office, make a left turn when you reach the top floor, and the first classroom is the English room," the woman directs lucidly, her sharp eyes never leaving mine.

    "Oh, th- thanks," I look away from her and rush out of the exit. Boy was she a daunting one. I take the staircase two at a time- not something you'll usually see me do- and push open the door at the end of the staircase. The butterflies from this morning only get worse as I make my way towards the English room on the left. Did I mention the classroom door was open, and noise was leaking out from the classroom as if there was no teacher inside... Great. I pause for a second outside the door and then walk in as casually as I can, but some irresponsible student left their bag in the middle of the floor, and like most cliché's go, I trip.

Now, you see this kind of stuff happening all the time, one million times a day- to students. So coming from a 24 year-old teacher, it's pretty bad 'cause this kind of stuff almost never happens, and when it does... ouch.

I trip over the bag, and for once in my life my arms move fast enough and I catch myself on the edge of the teachers desk. 80 percent of the class cover their mouth to try and hold in the laughter, while the other 20 percent don't even care how stupid they look. In their defence, I probably would have laughed too... if I was in grade school. After I've steadied myself, I bend down and pick up the bag.

    "Ok, who's is this?" I ask, facing the class of around 30 students. Nobody answers.

"Okay, then. I'll just leave it here and whosever it is can come get it at the end of class." I toss the bag beside my desk, go to the front, and face the rows and rows of students.

"Good morning class," I begin, trying to remember that I was the adult here, and I had no reason to be embarrassed of standing in front of my students. I was supposed to be past that ten years ago.

"Sorry I was late, there was a traffic jam-" I repeat the lie I had told the lady behind the front desk. I really had to stop lying or else it would become a bad habit.

"Anyhow, aside from that, My name is Ms. Sky, and I will be your new English teacher for the year." Silence.

"Before we start anything, I want to make sure you guys are aware of the expectations for this semester," I begin, kicking into my teacher mode. "By the end of this course, you guys should be able to read and demonstrate an understanding of texts from various periods, with an emphasis on analysing and assessing information, ideas, themes, issues, and language; demonstrate an understanding of the elements of fiction, drama, poetry, and non-fiction, with an emphasis on novels and poems, and describe the elements of style in texts from various periods, and analyse their effects," I repeat everything I read in the guide book for grade 12 English. A few of the girls have already pulled put notebooks and are scribbling away. I remember when I used to be like that.

"You guys sure are a quiet bunch," I laugh, sitting back in my chair. I look at them, waiting for some kind of sound.

"You're the author of the 'Midnight Blood' series, right?" One of the guys near the back speaks up suddenly, a smile playing on his lips.

"Ah, so you've read my books, have you?" I ask, smiling.

"Only the first two," he shrugs, his piercing green eyes staring at me.

"I've read all four!" A girl with dark hair sitting near the front, exclaims.

"Is it true there's going to be a fifth?" The blond girl beside her asks. I know my books are popular amongst the young adults, but I never would have imagined they were worth making a big deal over. I was totally winging it on my first day here!

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