Chapter 1

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I walked into my house to my older sister, Amanda’s screaming.

I only spared a glance at her as I passed the arch that represented the passage into the living room. Call me cruel, but I had my reasons. As I had thought, she was perfectly fine, sitting on the armchair and staring at the television (and screaming). A picture of Justin Bieber was on the screen, along with the voice of some random reporter, who was evidently saying something important about him.

I rolled my eyes and jogged up the stars to my room.

My sister is a tad bit obsessed with Justin Bieber (please note the sarcasm.) I honestly don’t see what all the fuss is about the kid.

I had just dropped my schoolbag onto my bed when my sister appeared in my doorway.

“I need to use your phone,” she said breathlessly.

“Hello to you too,” I replied. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.                                                         

“Honestly Annie, just lend me your phone! I have to call Vanessa.”

“What’s wrong with your phone?” I inquired.

“It’s dead.” She gave me a look like I was supposed to have known that already.

“And have you forgotten they invented such a thing known as the ‘phone charger’?” I asked, holding up mine. I proceeded to retrieve from my bag the books I would need to do my homework that night.

“C’mon Anne. Please! I promise I won’t be long!”

“Sure. Just like you promised last time,” I retorted. She opened her mouth to say something in return but I shut her up by sliding my phone out of my pocket and handing it to her. She wouldn’t have shut up about it until she got what she wanted, anyways.

“You have one minute,” I told her, then glanced at my alarm clock. “I’m timing you.” Without further ado, she ran out of the room, having already dialed her best friend’s number. I shook my head after her. Sometimes it was difficult to believe that she was the one that was a year older.

I had settled down to my history essay when a voice came from right next to me.

“Cheetos?” came the voice. I turned to see my little sister, Arielle, holding out a big bowl of the cheesy orangey goodness to me. I smiled.

“Thanks Ari. Do me a favor, and get my phone from Amanda for me, if you don’t mind.” She smiled.

“Vanessa?” she guessed. I nodded. “The Beaver dude?” she guessed again. I smiled. “On it,” she said, and hurried from my room. She cared for Justin Bieber even less than I did- and that is saying a lot.

A minute later, she handed my phone back to me, but there was a cheeto in her hair, which wasn’t good. I’d given Amanda much more than a minute.

Gotta Be You (Justin Bieber Love Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя