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Victoria heaved a sigh, staring through the windshield at the frozen trees dancing in the wind. You can do this, she thought to herself. You can't stay in here forever. She took a deep breath, opened her car door, and ran to the back door of the house, jamming her key into the lock and pushing her way inside. It all took less than thirty seconds.

She hated the cold.

She hated how difficult it was just to travel between the house and her car. She hated how the windows creaked at night. She hated how dry her hands would get; everything was cracking. She hated the frost that appeared on her car every morning. She hated how icy the roads would get when any moisture did appear. She hated shoveling snow off of the driveway only to then scrape the frost off her car and drive on those slippery roads.

As she entered the house and shoved the door closed behind her, the warmth of the house enveloped her and a shiver was driven up her spine. She smiled.

Dropping her keys into the basket nailed to the wall to her left, Victoria kicked off her shoes and went to the kitchen to start dinner. It was her turn to cook that night.

Nearly an hour later, she was on the couch, reading, waiting for her husband to return home. It began to snow again, but she didn't mind it, not as long as she stayed inside her warm living room.

An hour later, she was still waiting. He was usually home by then, but she shrugged it off, figuring it was just extra traffic caused by the weather, or some kind of accident, or both. There was a blanket of snow on the ground now, just enough to cover everything in white.

A half hour later she sent him a text, to which there was no answer, and, in another thirty minutes, she called him.

After the first couple rings, to her relief, someone picked up. But this relief vanished as quickly as it appeared when she realized it wasn't him.

"Who is this?" she asked into the phone. "Where is my husband?"

"I'm so sorry," a woman said on the other end. "Your husband, he's been in a terrible accident. I don't think he's going to make it."

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