Chapter One.

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"Flora! Flora are you ready?"

Flora Cuthbert sighed, pulling her yellow knee length coat around her shoulders. She picked up her pear wood wand from where it was placed on her bedside table, and shoved it inside the drawer underneath. Looking up to face the intricate mirror that awaited her, she ignored the footsteps coming up the stairway. Flora placed a small hat upon her short, blonde hair, and gazed into the soft brown eyes that stared back at her.

"It'll be okay," she whispered to her reflection. "It will all be okay."

This was her morning ritual since she had left Ilvermorny and had returned to New York to live with her pompous father in his grand townhouse on West 24th street. It was a popular place of residency for wizards, yet unlike most others, her father owned the entire house.

As she heard her bedroom door being opened, Flora realised that the box from under her bed was still out in the open. She dived to kick it under just as Elsie Adler burst through the door.

"Flora!" She exclaimed, but did not continue her sentence as she looked down upon Flora half lying across the wooden floor. Flora was still panting from the effort she had exerted into pushing the heavy box under her bed, where it belonged. Both girls stared at each other for a few moments before Elsie let out a giggle.

"Oh Flora!" She laughed. "Why are you on the floor? Did you not hear me calling you for the last five minutes? Get up girl, Ernest and Walter are waiting downstairs." Elsie reached out her hand to help up Flora who still hadn't spoken.

"Yes," Flora smiled slightly. "Wouldn't want to keep them waiting."

"Definitely," Elsie enthused, linking her arm with Flora's. "You know, I don't think it will be long before my brother asks your father for your hand." Flora looked to Elsie with a look that almost resembled disgust.

"I wish Ernest would hurry up!" Elsie continued as she pulled Flora down the stairs after slamming her bedroom door behind them.

When the girls reached the bottom step, Flora took a deep breath and assumed a slightly artificial smile of happiness. She felt bad for not feeling truly happy around her friends, but she couldn't control how she felt; no one can.

"Good morning Miss Cuthbert!" Ernest greeted her first as she entered the hallway, seeing the pair of young men awaiting them.

"Good morning Ernest," she replied as Elsie unlinked her and went to stand by her acquaintance's side. As Elsie reached for Ernest's hand, the other young man turned to face Flora with a smile so big she doubted it's genuineness.

"Flora!" The blonde man exclaimed, reaching for her arm. "You look beautiful this fine morning! Come on then, let's go get you some flowers."

Flora let Walter drag her through the open front door, with Elsie and Ernest trailing close behind, Elsie giggling at something Ernest had said. Flora looked up to her own acquaintance to find his blue eyes already watching her. He smiled down at her before beginning a conversational topic that Flora didn't have much interest in. That was alright though, as Walter could keep a conversation going between himself and the wall. Most people claimed it was friendliness, Flora believed he just liked to hear himself speak.

As Walter continued to chat as they walked, Flora took in her surroundings. She couldn't wait to get to the market today; she had already chosen the flower she wanted to purchase. She intended to seek out a bunch of gloxinias, which she would put in the vase atop her vanity table, to replace the forsythias that stood in it at the present moment.

Flora had been attending the daily morning wizarding market in New York ever since she had returned from Ilvermorny two years prior. She had loved the walk there and back, loved buying her own flowers, and how independent it made her feel. However, since her father had been introduced to the Adler's at a social event, Flora had been forced to spend time with their son and daughter. Flora didn't mind Elsie that much, she was the same age and a very excitable girl, who accepted everything anyone told her as the truth. Walter, however was different.

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