Flashback #10 (NE)

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Solomon's POV

"Hmm..." I stared at my son, as he held the girl in his arms. He was holding her rather tightly, as they slept on the damp ground of the cave. I passed out Ophelia passed out as well. 'I'll leave her there for now.' I knelt down and untangled Samson's arms from around Valeria. He grumbled in his sleep. The little girl muttered a few words that was unbeknownst to me as I picked her up. "Time to go Valeria." I said under my breath and walked out of the cave. 

Ephraim rushed to the cave with a few warriors with him. "What happened?!" He frowned at Valeria. I nodded to my warriors, and they disappeared inside. "Where's Samson? And Ophelia?"

"They're inside. Is she still there?" I asked, walking past him.

"Yeah, mom is talking with her mom by the border." Ephraim explained. "Although I don't know how long she can keep her there..." I nodded and carried Valeria out of the forest.

Valeria occasionally muttered out nonsense from time to time, such as the cookie was too hard, or Ophir took her cookie. I sighed. Everything she mentioned was about cookies. 'Kids... why wasn't Ophelia like her?' I wondered, thinking about my only daughter. I may have been evil as a child, but not to the point where I'd purposely kill an innocent child out of pleasure. I had a little more sense, or compassion for that. I looked down at Valeria. She was sucking her thumb. I smiled. Ephraim still does that, Samson stopped long ago, and Ophelia... I don't know if she still does. 

'Solomon, please hurry. She's quite persistent in going over there herself...'

I hummed at the mind link. 'Hang on, I'm coming. Your charm ain't working on her or something?'

'It only works for idiots like you, now please hurry. There's only so much a mother can talk about when their child has been gone for most of the night...'

'I'm getting there... and I'm not an idiot. You're probably getting too old...'

'And you're probably getting too slow. I'll have you know that I am forever 21...'

I rolled my eyes. 'That's what they all say...'

'Excuse me?'

'I'm coming, I'll be there soon.' I chuckled. picking up the pace.

"Mmm..." I looked down at the sleeping girl. She was holding her head, her face frowning from the pain. 'Mother Luna must have did a number on her...' I held her closer as I broke into a run.

"S-s....on..." I heard her mutter. I slowed down a little to a jog. I wouldn't want to wake her up yet. "Don't..."

"What is she saying now?" I sighed, looking down at her. She mumbled a few more things.

"I'll be..."

I raised a brow. I blinked in surprise when her small hand cupped my cheek. 'What-?'

"I'll be... waiting...for you..." She mumbled. "So wait... for me..."

I chuckled. 'So she's one of us after all. what happened in the cave I wonder...' I brought her closer, sniffing her. No scent of wolf. She reeked of Samson, and HIM. 'Maybe... I must be imagining things...'

I walked down the stone path, seeing my wife and another woman further down the road. Valeria still had her hand on my cheek, occasionally rubbing her tiny thumb over it. I can't help but smile at her. She was truly adorable. "I'll miss... you... S-s.... on..."

I looked at her, seeing her eyes open drowsily. Her eyes were hazy, so I'm assuming she's still consciously asleep. I stared at her eyes as she turned to mine. She smiled lazily. "Wait for me, just... don't cry..."

'My son cried? Been a while of that too... She must think I'm Samson, how cute...' My eyes bulged when I felt small lips to my cheek. My lips parted, and I quickly glanced at her. She fell asleep on my shoulder, a smile on her face.

'This little girl...' I stared at her, as I kept walking towards my wife. Even when I heard her call and the woman's gasp when she saw her daughter safe and sound. I watched as she was taken away by the woman, and placed in the back seat. 'Woman doesn't like being in the backseat...' I frowned at my thought. 'What am I thinking?'

"...Right Solomon?" I heard my mate say.

"Hmm? What?" I glanced at her, hugging her close. I rubbed circles on her hip, making her blush. I love that blush, which led me to my next action: kissing her head.

She rolled her eyes, the other woman chuckled. "Thank you so much for watching my daughter. Have a good night!" She waved as she entered the car.

"De nada!" Ruth waved as the car pulled away and drove out of sight. I watched the car leave before Ruth snapped her fingers in my face. "Why are you still staring?"

"Jealous?" I grinned and she slapped my shoulder. "Just so you know, you're my mate. So the only ass I'll be staring at is yours... Besides, that little girl said something that caught my attention. that's all..." I whispered against her bare neck, before kissing it. 

"What did.... she say..." She bite her lip when I grabbed her ass.

"Wouldn't you like to know..." I grinned and bite her neck. I chuckled when she squealed and jumped away from me. "We live in the same house and sleep in the same bed, I'll continue this later~"

Her face was red as she pouted. "You always do that... avoid my questions when you want ass. You're never like this unless you're troubled about something." She frowned. "Did something happen? Or did you realize something?"

I smiled gently at her. My mate knows me well. How I wanted take her right then and there...

She raised a brow in my direction, which made an idea pop in my head. Her eyes bulged when my beast took over. "How about this, I tell you what happen, after you give me you?" I rubbed my hands together, licking my lips as I stalked towards her.

She jumped backwards, shifting into her wolf. I grinned and bite my lip, having to see her fine body before all the fur grew on her. Her wolf growled, making me chuckle. "I'll take you as a lycan, I'm flexible like that. Now, what'll it be? Here, or at home?"

She snorted and bolted into the forest. I grinned, before looking back at the road where Valeria drove off to. "I'll be waiting."

I shifted into my lycan, and ran after my mate.  


This the last flashback!! Whoooo!!!! Thank you all for reading to this point and voting and commenting!!!! Yay~!!!! Ok chat time!!!

Soooooooo, papa puppy..... what do you think is his feelings towards valeria? Is it romance? Or.... hmmm... dont know what else honestly~ maybe wanting that kind of father-daughter relationship since he doesnt have it with his own daughter? Hmmm but hey! We understand now why he did what he did in the last chapter eh? But IS it romance? Hmmm,  we shall find out...

The mommas played a small role but they get talked about! Womder what they were talking about during flashback... peobably good coupons for Victoria secret, nut anywho! Points to mommas!

Ok! Since there wont be flash backs, (at least for now~) the chapters thatll be in between are gonna random conversation chapters, like random, funny moments that les puppies had or moments with valeria that was never mentioned! The chapters could also be chances for you ask the characters questions or comment on tneir performances! Or even ask their darkest secrets~ though i will not reveal too much...

ANYWAY! thanks for reading!!! And for commenting! Stay tuned!!

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