Chapter 12

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You both fell asleep almost instantly.

The sun rise was supposed to occur during 6 AM, therefore you were woken up by the guides around 4:30 so everyone had time to eat something before you were all supposed to leave.

It was quite dark outside, yet the whispering of the upcoming sunrise peeked through the clouds and the mist. It was surely a beautiful sight. The wind blew softly as the cold brushed against your nose. Despite the fact that you had had plenty of time to rest from the previous day, you could feel your feet and your legs aching a little, but it sure was worth it.

As the last part of your journey only lasted a little less than an hour, there wasn't really much to stand out about it, that is until you reach your destination of course.

The area was quite big with almost everything being completely deserted, the only thing that opposed the simplicity of the station was a wood torii gate which faced towards a small ledge which was circled by a little wooden and rope fence that protected most of the station.

You sat by the ledge as you had the fence to protect you from falling, so did everyone. You were beside Makoto as you patiently waited for the sun to rise. It took almost no time for the first hints of the sun's figure to rise. Time flew by almost instantly.

-Are you exited (Y/N)?

-Yes I really am! I never thought I'd be able to make it this far.

-Really? I thought you could've said that before I bought the tickets for this tour, but you always seem to be a very determined and capable person so I knew you'd do it.

-Thank you for believing in me, and for helping me along the way. I couldn't have made it this far without your help too.

-In what? You've made everything yourself.

-That's not true. Whenever I felt cold you put me before your own need of warmth. Or if I happened to be clumsy around you, you wouldn't yell at me or make me feel bad about it.

-That's because I believe in you. he said whilst giving off a tender smile. -But you've thanked me enough. I now want to thank you. His gaze became more serious yet it didn't stop to seem as his cheerful self.

He reached himself nearer by your side as he stared deep into your (e/c) eyes.

-At the very first moment I gave my first step back at our campus I felt scared. Despite the fact that I knew that going over to Tokyo meant pursuing my dream and meeting new people I couldn't help but feel a little lost and even homesick. Everyone there since the start was nice to me, but you always stood out from the rest. Whenever I was with you I felt at's even crazy.

-Makoto I...didn't know you felt this way.

He moved in closer until his forehead was leaning against yours. His eyes were a vibrant emerald green which glimmered with the slight light that creeped up behind the clouds.

-I'm really thankful that you let me bring you with me during this holidays. I wanted to get to know you better...and hopefully for you to get to know me a little more too. Thank you for following me all the way here.

- Thank you for letting me come.

There are many things one can never really comprehend about love when out of it, but whenever you try whilst over the effects of it, there is no such thing as understanding. Yet you did know one thing, that is it didn't really matter. You both stayed like that for a while, smiling at each other as the Sun rose above the clouds. The colours of dawn brushing against the sky, creating a beautiful landscape. But as every climatic moment, it eventually had to conclude...and so it did, yet not how you thought it would.

-Just kiss already! A guy aside you snickered as he jokingly pushed you. Where did you fall? To the front that is. What was in front of you? Makoto. More specifically, his soft and cold lips. His face flushed red by the second, followed by you pulling away while hiding your flustered expression.

-Oh god I'm sorry!

Did I just accidentally kiss Makoto? you thought as you apologised to Makoto with regards from the guy who pushed you and even yourself. None of you did actually process anything thought. You were way to immersed in thought. Yes, what had happened was real. Thought not the way you would've liked it to.


After that the way down Mount Fuji was a blur. You didn't speak at all until you got in the bus back home (located in the 5th station). It was a little uncomfortable, you couldn't lie, yet somehow you knew it wasn't the bad kind of uncomfortable.

-Well, lets head back home (Y/N)- chan.

You both fell asleep in the ride back home, leaning on each other.

Maybe one shouldn't really wait for 51 days after all.

A/N: _Hello! I hope you liked this chapter's attempt at fluff...I'm not that good so consider it as one of my biggest efforts yet at it. Also as how I saw this chapter unfold I can safely say that there might only be 1-2 chapters left (plus the little extra stories I didn't include, but I'll upload those without a specific schedule). And...thank you guys! I know that compared to other fanfics, 206 visits may not seem like much, but it does mean a lot to me so then again thank you!_

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