"That's because he's a cock sucking asshole!" Melanie shouted from within the office when Adam and Tim made it. Adam cringed at the vulgarity as he set Tim down onto his feet. The boy straightened out his clothes with a sigh. Adam entered the office to be met by loud bickering in the principle's office and a cringing old lady at the office desk.

"What did Melanie do this time?" Adam asked the old lady. She jumped in her seat to look at Adam like a standing deer in front of headlights.

"Oh. She got into a fight with your friend Roberto and got him sent to the nurse's office." She said as she collected herself. Adam snickered at the idea of Melanie kicking Rob's ass. She was a small girl, but knew judo and was a black belt in karate thanks to her protective brother Kent. "This isn't funny Adam."

"It is actually. Rob is a piece of crap." Tim smiled in amusement at Adam's remark. The old lady gave them a disapproving grimace. The two stiffened.

"Adam she's in a lot of trouble for this."

"She'll be fine. Anyways I'm here to help Tim uh-"

"Smith." Tim said softly.

"Yeah I'm here to help Tim 'Smith' change his classes to mine." The old lady eyed Adam suspiciously, looking to Tim then back at Adam. He gulped.

"This isn't a scheme is it?"

"No." Adam lied. It kinda was a scheme, but not to do anything bad. He just wanted to be closer to Tim. Everything about the boy from his looks to his personality made Adam's heart flutter. He didn't know why Tim had that kind of affect on him, but he knew he wanted Tim.

"You sure? I know how you popular boys are. Always screwing with the smaller crowd. Don't try any of that stuff with him or your mother is going to have a cow." The old lady chided before looking to Tim. He stiffened as she smiled at him. "Remember sweetie, just because the principle is Adam's mother doesn't mean he can't get in a lot of trouble. In fact, he'll be in even more trouble than another student doing the same thing."

"Ms. Bergersen is your mom?" Tim asked astounded. Adam nodded.

"She switched back to her maiden name but had me keep my father's last name."


"Because my dad was a dick." Adam said dryly, cringing at the memory of when his dad was in the picture. The guy was a total dick in the verbal way. The day his mom kicked his dad out and divorce was the happiest day of his life.

"Oh..." Tim's gaze drifted to the floor in thought. Adam knew Tim was wondering what exactly he meant about his dad being a dick. He was going to spare Tim of the info. "I'm sorry to here that."

"Oh don't worry about it man." Adam ruffled Tim's hair with a smirk. The boy tensed up at the contact, but relaxed and looked at Adam who smiled. "He wasn't too bad." Well that was an absolute lie, but seeing Tim relax even further was worth it. The shouting in the principal's office grew louder. Adam could practically feel Melanie's rage radiating through the door. He rolled his eyes. Melanie was trying to justify what she did to get out of trouble, but no matter what, her efforts will only get her into further trouble.

"I'm going in there." Adam said, passing Tim and opening the office door. He ignored the protests of the old lady at the desk and entered the office as Melanie was calling Rob a fucking rat butt fuck. Melanie was standing on with both hands on the office desk with Adam's mom Ms. Bergersen seated in a plush leather office chair, her head propped up on her hand. She was giving Melanie a bored stare before she took notice of her intruding son.

"Adam I'm busy at the moment. Go wait for Melanie in the cafeteria." Adam's mom told him, shoeing him away with a gesture. Adam leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms. Melanie turned her attention to Adam and gave him a helpless look in hopes of getting help from him.

"Actually I have a request, Ma."

"Adam we've been through this before, you can't request a get off free card for Melanie."

"Actually this is a different request." Melanie gave Adam a pout to get his attention. Adam flick his gaze to her before sticking out his tongue at her and received a middle finger in return. Adam paused at the sight of gauze wrapped around Melanie's index finger. Memories of last night clicked into Adam's head. "Nice bandage Melanie. It looks like Roxy had fun with you."

"Oh ha ha, real funny Adam. I can sue you for unleashing your dog on me."

"I can press charges on you for breaking and entering."

"Adam you showed her where the spare key was hidden, it wouldn't work." Adam's mother said, typing in something on her computer. Melanie smirked triumphantly at Adam. "Anyways, tell me your request Adam. I have a busy day today and don't feel like parenting the both of you like you're both a couple of five year olds."

"Gee how nice of you." Adam drawled, receiving a glare from his mom. He took a step back and looked the other way. "I have a friend named Tim and he and I would like to have his classes changed to mine."

"His last name?"


"Oh that sweetheart. Sure sure, I'll change his classes. Now get out." Adam cocked his brow in response. Just like that? She's just gonna agree on the spot like that? Adam was expecting to have to put up a fight.

"You're agreeing just like that?"

"No I'm not. I just want you to get out Adam. When I have the time I'll call Tim in and get started on changing his schedule."

"He's with me right now."

"And I don't have the time right now. Get out Adam!" His mom yelled. Adam flinched at the volume and chose not to press on any further. He nodded, noticing Melanie grinning like a fool at him. Adam closed the door with a sigh. He didn't get what was with Melanie grinning at him like that, but she was Melanie after all. His dorky and otherworldly sister from another mother.

"So I'm guessing I came here for nothing?" Tim asked, cocking his brow with an awkward smile. Adam shook his head with a frown.

'Not when you being here means something to me.' Adam thought, holding back the urge to say it out loud. He couldn't bring himself to open up in such a manor. Instead he strode to Tim, towering over the boy who looked up at him with a look he couldn't recognize. Adam could imagine himself leaning down and connecting their lips together. Instead he ruffled Tim's hair and took a second to marvel at the boy who flinched and shyly tense up. His hair felt so soft. With that thought in mind Adam pulled back and walked past behind Tim to hide his gushing face.

"It wasn't for nothing Tim. You'll be going to the same classes as me soon.  Cmon. We've still got time for lunch. I'll sit with you since we'll be spending more time together." Adam hid his goofy smile at the idea of lunch with Tim. He usually had lunch with his asshole teammates and Melanie, but he's never sat with Tim before. It didn't sound like much, but Adam was head over heels in love with the boy. He could keep his cool, however Adam wasn't sure if his heart could take it.

Adam would have to find out at lunch then.

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