Of Elites and Men

436 19 11

UNSC Ship: War Hunter
Orbit of UNSC world:
New Redding
ODST: Jason Moore

    "All ODST's to your pods. Repeat. All ODST's to your pods, you are to be deployed near New Redding's capital, covenant forces are attacking the city."

    The ship's AI repeated the order again, and by that time, every ODST had already gotten inside their pods. The lights on the controls immediately lit up, and the pod doors closed.

    "Alright ladies!" Our lieutenant's voice could be heard over our helmet's earpieces. "We got some more covie's thinking they can walk in one of our colonies and act like they own the place. And just can't have that now can we?"

    "No sir!" We all shouted in unison.

    "Hey Moore, when we get out of this, drinks are on me!" Yelled Butch, who was in the pod next to mine.

    "Sounds good, you better be talking a glass per kill!" I replied.

    "But not grunts, God knows how many of those things you can kill with a single grenade."

    "Alright, alright, no grunts, but prepare to go broke my friend!"

    "Prepare for drop in T-minus ten seconds."

    "Let's go boys!" The Lieutenant roared like a battle cry. The ship then began to shake from another hit from a covenant cruiser, and I could here an emergency hull breach alarm go off, followed by the ship's AI.

    "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Commencing drop."

    The rush never gets old. Pod after pod shot out the War hunter like a cannon, each ODST looked up in the glass to see a the War hunter get hit by another pulse laser followed by a plasma torpedo until it was out of view as the pods landed on the planet's surface. The doors flew open and Jason rushed out to the nearest cover in muscle memory with his DMR. The rest of the ODST's joined him.

    "Lieutenant, see anything on your sniper?" Jason asked.

    The Lieutenant pulled out his sniper rifle, and scoped the nearby buildings, most of which were burning with fire and plasma.

    "I see two banshees firing at the rooftop of a building, probably resistance." The Lieutenant looked down to the streets. "I'm spotting a group of grunts and jackals, plus a pair of elites."

    "Is that all?" Butch asked, lifting his SPNKR rocket launcher.

    "I think I see a..., wait one of the elites is gone." He almost shouted with a baffled tone.

    "They probably saw the pods, we need to get moving." Jason piped in.

    "Yeah, you and Butch go check out the city, look for survivors, the rest of us will take out those covie's, then we'll meet up at the city's park." The Lieutenant finished.

    The groups departed from their pods and rushed quickly and quietly to their objectives.

    As Jason and Butch entered the city, the sight of a scorched plasma filled battlefield could be seen all throughout the street, along with the stench of burning flesh, and a burning warthog.

    "Man, I would've hated to be here during that, looks like a massacre." Said Butch, as he checked the remains of a dead marine.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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